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How to add table in web page using mathjax



I am a beginner. I am trying to build a table using math Jax but it can't compile. how can I add a table?

    \begin{tabular}{ | m{7em} | m{5em}| m{9em} | } 
        Set & operation & Identity \\ 
        \(\mathbb{Z}\) & \(+\) & \(0\)    \\
        \(\mathbb{Q}\) & \(+\) & \(0\)    \\
        \(\mathbb{R}\) & \(+\) & \(0\)    \\ 

        \(\mathbb{Z}\) & \(\times \) & \(0\)    \\
        \(\mathbb{Q}\) & \(\times\) & \(0\)    \\
        \(\mathbb{R}\) & \(\times\) & \(0\)    \\ 
like image 402
Prabhakaran Avatar asked Aug 11 '18 19:08


2 Answers

MathJax only implements the macros used for math layout, not text layout, so things like \begin{tabular} and \begin{center} are not supported. Instead, you can use an array environment, like:

<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mathjax/2.7.5/latest.js?config=TeX-AMS_CHTML-full"></script>

  \text{Set} & \text{Operation} & \text{Identity} \\ 
   \mathbb{Z} & + & 0 \\
   \mathbb{Q} & + & 0 \\
   \mathbb{R} & + & 0 \\ 
   \mathbb{Z} & \times & 1 \\
   \mathbb{Q} & \times & 1 \\
   \mathbb{R} & \times & 1 \\ 

On the other hand, it may be better to use an HTML table with math inside it rather than trying to use MathJax to do the entire table.

like image 81
Davide Cervone Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 20:11

Davide Cervone

I made a table generator for MathJax using MathJax's array : https://isaurssaurav.github.io/mathjax-table-generator/


  1. Add required columns and Rows.
  2. You can add values to cells when table appears
  3. Click Generate button to generate a mathjax code for table.

Repo Link :https://github.com/isaurssaurav/mathjax-table-generator ( Any changes are welcome ) enter image description here

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saurssaurav Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 18:11
