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How to add tab application to a page with the "new auth dialog"

I created an app today, as i've done several times before. But when i wanted to add the app to a a page i couldn't find the link "view this apps profile page", which I normally use to add the app to my pages.

Anyone know how to add apps to a page, with the new "auth dialog" thing ?? I can't find a link to the apps profile page.

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Danline Dk Avatar asked Dec 21 '11 20:12

Danline Dk

3 Answers

You can do it in several ways:

  • Using Add Page Tab Dialog as described in documentation:
    • With JavaScript not even leaving page where this get called FB.ui({method: 'pagetab'});
    • By redirecting to https://facebook.com/dialog/pagetab?app_id=APP_ID&redirect_url=URL
  • Via link http://facebook.com/add.php?api_key=APP_KEY&pages=1&page=PAGE_ID
  • From Application Profile page (you can easily get to it via http://www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=APP_ID or via shorthand http://facebook.com/APP_ID or by clicking on Application Name in the left bottom corned of every page while visiting Application Canvas) (note that newly created apps don't have an Application Profile page - as discussed on the Developer Blog )
  • Using the API directly with a manage_pages access token - details in the Page documentation.
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Juicy Scripter Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 14:10

Juicy Scripter

I have found this to work the best:

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Llewellyn Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 14:10


Tried all of above. The only one that worked for me was this one:

like image 1
caffo Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 14:10
