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How to add string to an array list in c#



I have a list and a string

var Resnames= new List<string>();
string name = "something";

I want to append string to it like

   Resnames  += name;

How can I do it

like image 927
Murthy Avatar asked Nov 28 '11 15:11


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You can't append to an array. When you define the array variable, C asks the is for enough contiguous memory. That's all the memory you ever get. You can modify the elements of the array (A[10]=5) but not the size.

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1 Answers

Since you are using List (not a legacy fixed-size array) you able to use List.Add() method:


If you want to add an item after the instantiation of a list instance you can use object initialization (since C# 3.0):

var resourceNames = new List<string> { "something", "onemore" };

Also you might find useful List.AddRange() method as well

var resourceNames = new List<string>();

var otherNames = new List<string>();
like image 54
sll Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 00:09
