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how to add spray paint tool for html5 canvas?

Currently I have made a pencil tool work and changed the pencil colour, but I would like to add a spray paint tool which lets you draw onto a canvas and also change the spray paint colour.

This is part of the JavaScript for the spray paint tool I have tried implementing, but I can't manage to make it work.

//spray paint tool
tools.spray = function () {

  var tool = this;
  this.started = false;

  this.mousedown = function (ev) {

    if (!tool.started) {

    var len = 5 + ( Math.random() * 5 | 0 );

    for( var i = 0; i < len; ++i ) {
      context.strokeStyle = CurrentColor;

        mouseX + Math.cos( Math.random() * Math.PI * 2 ) * radius * Math.random(),
        mouseY + Math.sin( Math.random() * Math.PI * 2 ) * radius * Math.random(),
        0, Math.PI * 2, false

  }, 33);

You can see the full code here.

If anyone can help it will most appreciated.

like image 581
Super Man Avatar asked May 08 '13 23:05

Super Man

2 Answers


In your HTML you had some javascript code in your option values. They need to be changed to this:

<select id="dtool">
     <option value="pencil">Pencil</option>
     <option value="spray">Spray</option>

In the JS I just moved the code snippet you already provided to inside the spray object.

//These are the variables used throughout the javascript
//var points = new Array();
var outlineImage = new Image();
radius = 15
var colorPurple = "#cb3594"; //variable for purple colour 
var colorGreen = "#659b41"; //variable for green colour 
var colorYellow = "#ffcf33";//variable for yellow colour 
var colorBlack = "#000000";//variable for black colour 
var CurrentColor = colorBlack; //variable for current colour 

//used to change the colour of the drawing tool
function changeColor( color_code ) {
    CurrentColor =color_code;

//this function will allow you clear the canvas 
function clearCanvas(){
 context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);

if (window.addEventListener) {
    window.addEventListener('load', function () {
        var canvas, context;

          // The active tool instance.
          var tool;
          var tool_default = 'spray';

        function init() {
            // Find the canvas element.
            canvas = document.getElementById('imageView');//this is used to get a element id for 'imageView' the cnavas
            if (!canvas) {
                alert('Error: I cannot find the canvas element!');//if it fails to get the canvas then it will diplay this error

            if (!canvas.getContext) {
                alert('Error: no canvas.getContext!');//if it fails to get the context then it will diplay this error

            // Get the 2D canvas context.
            context = canvas.getContext('2d');// used to get canavs context to '2d'
            if (!context) {
                alert('Error: failed to getContext!');//if it fails to get the context then it will diplay this error

        // Get the tool select input.
    var tool_select = document.getElementById('dtool');
    if (!tool_select) {
      alert('Error: failed to get the dtool element!');
    tool_select.addEventListener('change', ev_tool_change, false);

    // Activate the default tool.
    if (tools[tool_default]) {
      tool = new tools[tool_default]();
      tool_select.value = tool_default;

            // Attach the mousedown, mousemove and mouseup event listeners.
            canvas.addEventListener('mousedown', ev_canvas, false);
            canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', ev_canvas, false);
            canvas.addEventListener('mouseup', ev_canvas, false);

 // The event handler for any changes made to the tool selector.
  function ev_tool_change (ev) {
    if (tools[this.value]) {
      tool = new tools[this.value]();

   // This object holds the implementation of each drawing tool.
  var tools = {};

        // This painting tool works like a drawing pencil which tracks the mouse
        // movements.
         tools.pencil = function() {
            var tool = this;
            this.started = false;

            // This is called when you start holding down the mouse button.
            // This starts the pencil drawing.
            this.mousedown = function (ev) {
                context.strokeStyle = CurrentColor;
                context.moveTo(ev._x, ev._y);
                tool.started = true;

            // This function is called every time you move the mouse. Obviously, it only
            // draws if the tool.started state is set to true (when you are holding down
            // the mouse button).
            this.mousemove = function (ev) {
                if (tool.started) {
                    context.strokeStyle = CurrentColor;
                    context.lineTo(ev._x, ev._y);                   

            // This is called when you release the mouse button.
            this.mouseup = function (ev) {
                if (tool.started) {
                    tool.started = false;

         tools.spray = function() {
            var tool = this;
            this.started = false;

            this.mousedown = function (ev) {
                context.strokeStyle = CurrentColor;
                context.moveTo(ev._x, ev._y);
                tool.started = true;

            this.mousemove = function (ev) {
                if (tool.started) {
                    context.strokeStyle = CurrentColor;

                        ev._x + Math.cos( Math.random() * Math.PI * 2 ) * radius * Math.random(),
                        ev._y + Math.sin( Math.random() * Math.PI * 2 ) * radius * Math.random(),
                        0, Math.PI * 2, false

            this.mouseup = function (ev) {
                if (tool.started) {
                    tool.started = false;

        // The general-purpose event handler. This function just determines the mouse
        // position relative to the canvas element.
        function ev_canvas(ev) {
            if (navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer' || navigator.vendor == 'Google Inc.' || navigator.vendor == 'Apple Computer, Inc.') { // IE or Chrome
                ev._x = ev.offsetX;
                ev._y = ev.offsetY;
            } else if (ev.layerX || ev.layerX == 0) { // Firefox
                ev._x = ev.layerX - this.offsetLeft;
                ev._y = ev.layerY - this.offsetTop;
            } else if (ev.offsetX || ev.offsetX == 0) { // Opera
                ev._x = ev.offsetX;
                ev._y = ev.offsetY;
            // Call the event handler of the tool.
            var func = tool[ev.type];
            if (func) {
           // points.push(ev);


    }, false);
like image 116
Bemmu Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 22:10


Here's my attempt. Added the following code:

  tools.spray = function(){};
  tools.spray.prototype = new tools.pencil(); 
  tools.spray.prototype.mousemove = function (ev) {
    if (tool.started) {
      context.fillStyle = CurrentColor;
      context.rect(ev._x, ev._y, 1, 1);     

      for (var i = 20; i--;) { 
        context.rect(ev._x + Math.random() * 20 - 10, 
                     ev._y + Math.random() * 20 - 10, 1, 1);


First, we extend the "pencil" tool, since only the mousemove function differs. We do that by creating an instance of the pencil tool and using it as the prototype for our spray constructor function. Then we overwrite the mousemove function, as above.

The logic there is pretty simple, just create 20 dots in a square area around the mouse as it moves. It would be better to use a round area, as in your original code, and allow the user to configure some parameters instead of using magic numbers (20 and rand(20) - 10). But, for the sake of simplicity, it is what it is.

As mentioned in the other answer, options needed to be changed like so:

  <option value="pencil">Pencil</option>
  <option value="spray">Spray</option>

Here's a cool barbed wire thing too, just for fun.

  tools.barb = function(){};
  tools.barb.prototype = new tools.pencil(); 
  tools.barb.prototype.mousemove = function (ev) {
    if (tool.started) {
      context.strokeStyle = CurrentColor;
      context.lineTo(ev._x, ev._y);         
      context.lineTo(ev._x + Math.random() * 20 - 10, 
                     ev._y + Math.random() * 20 - 10);              


like image 3
Dagg Nabbit Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 00:10

Dagg Nabbit