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How to add query string parameters with Spring HATEOAS?

I'm trying to generate a link to search resources. So, I want to create a resource that provides a link to my search:

POST /resourcesearch
{param1: "value1",param2:"value2"}

The response should be:


Here is my code:

public class ResourceSearchController{
  @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST) 
  public ResponseEntity<ResourceSupport> createResourceSearch(@RequestBody ResourceDTO dto){
    ResourceSupport resource = new ResourceSupport();
    //... do something here to build query string based on "dto"
    return new ResponseEntity<ResourceSupport>(resource, HttpStatus.CREATED);
public class ResourceController{
  @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
  public ResponseEntity<CollectionDTO> listResources(@RequestParam("param1") String param1, @RequestParam("param2") String param2){

The thing is that I can't figure out how to add query string parameters to the url in the line:


Because the result of that line is:

  "links" : [

Any ideas?

like image 559
Neuquino Avatar asked Mar 24 '14 16:03


1 Answers

There are a couple of (potential) mismatches between the names that you have used in your resources and desired output, hence I am not able to map that very well.

Anyway, you need to use the methodOn of ControllerLinkBuilder. Here's a good example that should get you going.

For more complex examples, the unit tests for Spring HATEOAS are a good source of examples.

like image 182
TJ- Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 22:10