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How to add posixAccount and posixGroup attributes in ApacheDS?



I am using Apache Directory Studio (version 2.0.0 on both OpenSUSE(12) and on Windows 7), trying to add the posixAccount attribute to users and the posixGroup attribute to groups. I have followed the suggestion from the following links:



to enable the NIS schema, by setting m-disabled to FALSE. However, following a restart of both the LDAP server and ApacheDS itself, I still cannot add posixAccount or posixGroup attributes to existing entries - they are not available in the list of attributes to add.

My current workaround is to used ldapadd via the command line, as follows:

ldapadd -h <LDAP_SERVER_IP_ADDRESS>:<LDAP_PORT> -x -D "uid=username,ou=users,o=organisationName" -w userPassword -f /path/to/ldap_config_update

where the file "ldap_config_update" contains something like:

dn: uid=dtrotter,ou=groups,o=organisationName
givenName: Derek
sn: Trotter
uidNumber: 1000
gigNubmer: 1025
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetorgperson
objectClass: posixAccount
uid: dtrotter
cn: Del Boy
userPassword: plonker123!

It would be nice to know how to achieve this via the ApacheDS GUI.

like image 718
mcooper5318008 Avatar asked Mar 27 '15 16:03


2 Answers

I was struggling with this as well. Finally worked for me. Apparently there is a stale cache issue going on. In order to have posixGroup available, you have to:

  1. Enable the NIS schema as explained here

  2. Close the connection

  3. Reconnect

  4. When adding a new entry, make sure to hit the Refresh button beside the object class text field.

    enter image description here

  5. posixGroup and other NIS classes should finally become available

like image 143
Rafael Chaves Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 11:01

Rafael Chaves

  1. Open ldap client (Apache directory Studio in my case)
  2. navigate to cn=nis,ou=schema
  3. Change m-disabled propert from TRUE to FALSE
  4. Don't forget press refresh button when lookup posix class from list

enter image description here

like image 36
Georgy Gobozov Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 10:01

Georgy Gobozov