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How to add multiple JMS MessageListners in a single MessageListenerContainer for Spring Java Config

I had the following xml code in my spring-config.xml

<jms:listener-container acknowledge="auto"
        connection-factory="cachedConnectionFactory" container-type="default"
        error-handler="consumerErrorHandler" concurrency="20-25">
        <jms:listener destination="#{TaskFinished.destination}"
            method="onMessage" ref="taskFinished" />

Now, I was converting my spring xml configuration file to Java configuration.

I translated it like

@Bean(name = "consumerJmsListenerContainer")
public DefaultMessageListenerContainer consumerJmsListenerContainer() {
    DefaultMessageListenerContainer messageListenerContainer = new DefaultMessageListenerContainer();
    messageListenerContainer.setErrorHandler(new ConsumerErrorHandler());
    messageListenerContainer.setMessageListener(new TaskFinished());
    return messageListenerContainer;

What I need to know is, if there were more than one MessageListner in the Message Container like

<jms:listener-container acknowledge="auto"
        connection-factory="cachedConnectionFactory" container-type="default"
        error-handler="consumerErrorHandler" concurrency="20-25">
        <jms:listener destination="#{questionGeneration.destination}"
            method="onMessage" ref="questionGeneration" />
        <jms:listener destination="#{friendShipLogic.destination}"
            method="onMessage" ref="friendShipLogic" />
        <jms:listener destination="#{postAvailabilityChecker.destination}"
            method="onMessage" ref="postAvailabilityChecker" />
        <jms:listener destination="#{playOn.destination}" method="onMessage"
            ref="playOn" />

How could I supposed to convert this xml code into Java config?

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Sandhu Santhakumar Avatar asked Feb 19 '14 13:02

Sandhu Santhakumar

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How could you implement JMS listener using Spring JMS support?

The @JmsListener is the only annotation required to convert a method of a normal bean into a JMS listener endpoint. Spring JMS provides many more annotations to ease the JMS implementation. In order to add multiple listeners to a single method we just need to add multiple @JmsListener annotations.

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If you use Spring to implement JMS client, instance of the JMSTemplate class is thread-safe. The multi-threading capability provided by Spring from Message Listener Containers, by creating a fixed number of JMS sessions and consumers at startup.

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Maven Configuration xml file with Spring Boot and ActiveMQ dependencies. Additionally, we will need Jackson for object to JSON conversion.

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You can access the JMS listener containers from the registry (all or by name) and call stop() on the one(s) you want; the container will stop after any in-process messages complete their processing.

1 Answers

The namespace is just a convenience - each <jms:listener/> element gets its own DMLC; the outer (container) element is just a vehicle to supply common attributes.

like image 134
Gary Russell Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 01:09

Gary Russell