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How to add legend on Seaborn facetgrid bar plot

I have the following code:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns


# Create a dataset with many short random walks
rs = np.random.RandomState(4)
pos = rs.randint(-1, 2, (10, 5)).cumsum(axis=1)
pos -= pos[:, 0, np.newaxis]
step = np.tile(range(5), 10)
walk = np.repeat(range(10), 5)
df = pd.DataFrame(np.c_[pos.flat, step, walk],
                  columns=["position", "step", "walk"])

# Initialize a grid of plots with an Axes for each walk
grid = sns.FacetGrid(df, col="walk", hue="walk", col_wrap=5, size=5,

# Draw a bar plot to show the trajectory of each random walk
grid.map(sns.barplot, "step", "position", palette="Set3").add_legend();


Which makes this plot:

enter image description here

As you can see I get the legend wrong. How can I make it right?

like image 361
neversaint Avatar asked Aug 28 '15 00:08


People also ask

How do you add a legend to Seaborn plot?

To change the position of a legend in a seaborn plot, you can use the plt. legend() command. The default location is “best” – which is where Matplotlib automatically finds a location for the legend based on where it avoids covering any data points.

How do you make a legend outside the plot in Seaborn?

Set the figure size and adjust the padding between and around the subplots. Make a Pandas dataframe with three coulmns, column1, column2 and column3. Draw a scatterplot with possibility of several semantic groupings. To place the legend outside the plot, use bbox_to_anchor in legend() method.

What does FacetGrid do in Seaborn?

FacetGrid object takes a dataframe as input and the names of the variables that will form the row, column, or hue dimensions of the grid. The variables should be categorical and the data at each level of the variable will be used for a facet along that axis.

How do I add a title to FacetGrid?

If you create the FacetGrid directly, as in the original example, it automatically adds column and row labels instead of individual subplot titles. We can still add a title to the whole thing: from matplotlib. pyplot import scatter as plt_scatter g = sns.

2 Answers

Some how there is one legend item for each of the subplot. Looks like if we want to have legend corresponds to the bars in each of the subplot, we have to manually make them.

# Let's just make a 1-by-2 plot
df = df.head(10)

# Initialize a grid of plots with an Axes for each walk
grid = sns.FacetGrid(df, col="walk", hue="walk", col_wrap=2, size=5,

# Draw a bar plot to show the trajectory of each random walk
bp = grid.map(sns.barplot, "step", "position", palette="Set3")

# The color cycles are going to all the same, doesn't matter which axes we use
Ax = bp.axes[0]

# Some how for a plot of 5 bars, there are 6 patches, what is the 6th one?
Boxes = [item for item in Ax.get_children()
         if isinstance(item, matplotlib.patches.Rectangle)][:-1]

# There is no labels, need to define the labels
legend_labels  = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']

# Create the legend patches
legend_patches = [matplotlib.patches.Patch(color=C, label=L) for
                  C, L in zip([item.get_facecolor() for item in Boxes],

# Plot the legend

enter image description here

like image 63
CT Zhu Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 12:10

CT Zhu

When the legend doesn't work out you can always make your own easily like this:

import matplotlib

name_to_color = {
    'Expected':   'green',
    'Provided':   'red',
    'Difference': 'blue',

patches = [matplotlib.patches.Patch(color=v, label=k) for k,v in name_to_color.items()]
like image 41
xApple Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 13:10
