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How to add jquery to jasmine/angularjs unittests


I have a project which is builded on plain angular.js code. We creates unittest with jasmine. But now we need to grab some 3rd party components (some directives from Angular-Bootstrap), which is also pure angular.js inside, but for testing that components some jQuery code and methods calls used. And now a lot of 3rd party tests failed with exception like [object] had no method 'trigger' and stuff like that

So my question is how to include jquery to my tests, to make 3rd party unitests valid. I run tests with Karma.

like image 749
silent_coder Avatar asked Sep 29 '13 01:09


1 Answers

Just include jquery.js to Karma's config in files array as the first item.

module.exports = function(config) {   config.set({      // list of files / patterns to load in the browser     files: [       'path/to/jquery.js',       'path/to/angular.js'       //..rest files           ],      //rest karma options   }); }; 
like image 127
Alexander Puchkov Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 18:09

Alexander Puchkov