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How to add jcenter/jitpack as remote repository into apache archiva?

I want to have a private repository manager to not download all the packages from internet every time. I decide to go with Apache Archiva.

At the moment I want to add jitpack.io and jcenter.bintray.com to my remote repositories. I've done as following picture but it doesn't do any good and I can't get for example "com.google.dagger:dagger-compiler:2.5" from my private repository.

How can I properly add jitpack.io and jcenter into my Archiva?

like image 963
Seyed Vahid Hashemi Avatar asked Sep 28 '16 13:09

Seyed Vahid Hashemi

1 Answers

Dagger is on maven central now so this is now moot but in order to get jitpack.io into archiva you need to add it as a proxy connector first at #proxyconnectors, and then as a remote repository under #repositorylist -> Remote Repository Management.

I haven't had any luck getting jcenter into Archiva - I was only able to get it to work by adding bintray repositories directly through their "Set me up!" button with a wrench icon on it, e.g., using a URL like http://dl.bintray.com/netlogo/NetLogo-JVM as the repository.

like image 163
A Lee Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 05:11

A Lee