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How to add Google Analytics to Github respository


I like to add google analytics on my github respository. So i can keep track of user visit.

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Prashant Avatar asked Oct 19 '16 19:10


People also ask

Does GitHub have analytics?

The Analytics & Reports by Screenful is a Business Intelligence solution for GitHub which makes it easy to create charts and reports of your GitHub issues and projects.

1 Answers

Unfortunately, you cannot use Google Analytics to monitor your GitHub repository page because you simply do not own the page. GitHub offers their own traffic analytics platform.

I have not verified this myself, but you if you have a GitHub Pages site at <your GitHub username>.github.io (or a specific project page using GitHub Pages), you could add Google Analytics to that site. It won't necessarily capture visits to the specific repository page, but it could help, especially if you have a particularly active GitHub Pages website.

See this related post for more info: How to add Google Analytics Tracking ID to GitHub Pages

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robbawebba Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 03:10
