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How to add express route if the app already listening?

I want to create automatic routing in express, currently i can read directory and add route manually from all available files, added route can also be updated if there are changes in route file

delete require.cache[require.resolve(scriptpath)];
var routescript = {};
try {
   routescript = require(scriptpath);
} catch (e){
   console.log('Express >> Ignoring error route: ' + route + ' ~ >' + scriptpath);
var stack_index = app._router.stack_map[route]
var stack = app._router.stack[stack_index];
if (stack) {
    app._router.stack[stack_index].handle = routescript;
    console.log('Replace Route Stack \'' + route + '\'');
} else {
    app.use(route, routescript);
    var stack_index = app._router.stack_map[route] = (app._router.stack.length-1);
    console.log('Add Route Stack \'' + route + '\'');

But those are only work only before app listen to port,

How to add / remove new route stack after the app listening to port?

One way i can think is close the server configure/add/remove the route the re listen, but i guess that is a bad practice

like image 360
DeckyFx Avatar asked Sep 30 '22 00:09


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1 Answers

I am so stupid....

Express 4 default is capable to add route even after it listening

So why i can't do it before? because on top of router layer stack, i add error handling layer stack, so any router layer i add after it, won't be reachable by request, because when the request is processed it will caught first by error handler layer.

so the correct method is as the following:

  1. I have to manage what index is the error handler stack layer located in app._router.stack, in this case it is some layer at the very end of array

  2. Add new route, ex: using app.use("/something", function(req, res, next){ res.send("Lol") })

  3. Remove the error handler layer stacks, and put it at the very end of the router stack array

    // in this case, error map is array // contain index location of error handling stack layer var error_handlers = app._router.stack.splice(error_map[0], error_map.length); app._router.stack.push.apply(app._router.stack, error_handlers);

Now you are ready to go.

like image 53
DeckyFx Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 04:10
