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How to add custom `PNG` image to material ui icon

I am using material-ui@next for my react app. I want to use Icon component with dynamic images in png format. I googled this but cannot find anything directly helpful.

like image 349
Nayan Srivastava Avatar asked Apr 25 '18 09:04

Nayan Srivastava

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2 Answers

You can saveas PNG images to BMP format then convet them to SVG with potrace app.

potrace icon1.bmp -s -o icon1.svg

Now you can use SvgIcon component. open svg file with notepad and copy tags that are in svg tag and put it into SvgIcon:

function Icon1(props) {
return (
<SvgIcon {...props} >
// tags in your svg file
// ex: <path d="M81 1032 c-19 -9 "/>

Your icon component is ready:

<Icon1 /> 
like image 145
karim fereidooni Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 03:09

karim fereidooni

You can:

  • use: https://convertio.co/png-svg/ to convert your image to svg format
  • download the file
  • open the .svg file in a text editor

In your code:

import * as React from "react";
import { SvgIcon } from "@material-ui/core";

export default function Icon1(props) {
  return (
      ... // add here the params that are sent to <svg /> tag in your file 
    mine were something like:
      viewBox="0 0 3000.000000 1068.000000"
      preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet">
    // The tags inside the <svg />; probably something like <g/> <path/> tags

like image 45
Ashar Dweedar Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 03:09

Ashar Dweedar