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How to add custom HTML to wp_nav_menu?


I'm familiar with WordPress and using the WordPress menu system. But I'm looking for a way to add custom HTML to wp_nav_menu().

I'm trying to create a menu like this: enter image description here

Notice how the drop down menu under products contains an image and a link. I'd like to re-create this. I've looked at a few plugins, but would rather code it.

I don't mind hard coding the image and link, but I'd like to keep the flexibility of using WordPress to manage the menus.

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StephenMeehan Avatar asked Sep 03 '12 15:09


People also ask

How do I add a custom menu item in WordPress?

Add Custom Text to a Specific Menu (Easy Way) Simply go to the Appearance » Menus page and add a custom link with # sign as the URL, and the text you want to display as your Link Text. Click on the Add to Menu button to continue. WordPress will add your custom text as a menu item in the left column.

How do I display custom menu in WordPress?

To do this go to Appearance >Menus and start creating a new menu. Give the menu the title “Secondary Menu”, select “My Custom Menu” for a location and then hit the “Create Menu” button. Finally add some items to the menu (for example Menu item 1, Menu item 2, Menu item 3) and then save the menu.

1 Answers

The way WordPress goes through the menu pages to display the items, is using a walker object. In this case the specific class for this object is called Walker_Nav_Menu. You can find it in wp-includes\nav-menu-template.php.

The Walker_Nav_Menu is a pretty simple class. You are able to see, how the links and the menu structure are built there. The functions start_el and end_el are used to build the menu-items. Functions start_lvl and end_lvl are for nesting menus. In this approach we'll be mainly using start_el and end_el.

In your functions.php create a class, to extend Walker_Nav_Menu with pretty similar methods to the parent class:

class Custom_Walker_Nav_Menu extends Walker_Nav_Menu {
  function start_el ( &$output, $item, $depth = 0, $args = array(), $id = 0 ) {
    // Copy all the start_el code from source, and modify

  function end_el( &$output, $item, $depth = 0, $args = array() ) {
    // Copy all the end_el code from source, and modify

In those functions, the $item is your menu-item, with which you can query additional contents according to the current menu-item, if you want to. Note that I didn't include start_lvl and end_lvl, but that doesn't matter, since your class will automatically inherit the parent classes methods, if not overwritten.

Then, in your theme files, you can call wp_nav_menu like this:

  'theme_location' => 'main',
  'container' => false,
  'menu_id' => 'nav',
  'depth' => 1,
  // This one is the important part:
  'walker' => new Custom_Walker_Nav_Menu

WordPress will use your custom class and functions, so that you can modify what code is output.

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martinczerwi Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 07:09
