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How to add custom font weights to Material UI?

Trying to configure Material theme to use my own font and custom font weights/sizes for the Typography components. For the fontWeight section, I want to just be able to input 100/200/300/400/500/600/700 as options for each specific material typography variant, however, it specifically takes in a "string" and it apparently can only be normal/bold/bolder/lighter

And to make it worse normal == 400 while bold == 700 skipping over 500 and 600 which I need

typography: {
    fontFamily: "MyCustomFont",
    fontWeightLight: 200,
    fontWeightRegular: 400,
    fontWeightMedium: 500,
    useNextVariants: true,
    h1: {
      fontSize: "1.25rem",
      fontWeight: "bold",
      lineHeight: "1.2em"
    h2: {
      fontSize: "1.75rem",
      fontWeight: "normal",
      lineHeight: "1.2em"
like image 862
user10741122 Avatar asked Apr 15 '19 15:04


People also ask

How do I add font weight in MUI?

MUI Typography font weight can be set to bold by adding fontWeight: bold value to the sx prop. Here is example code: <Typography sx={{fontWeight: 'bold'}}>My Text</Typography> .

How do I use custom fonts in MUI?

To self-host fonts, download the font files in ttf , woff , and/or woff2 formats and import them into your code. ⚠️ This requires that you have a plugin or loader in your build process that can handle loading ttf , woff , and woff2 files. Fonts will not be embedded within your bundle.

How do you style typography in material UI?

You can import <Typography /> component from @mui/material using the following code. import Typography from '@mui/material/Typography'; // or import { Typography } from '@mui/material'; Important Props and its values: align: It is used to align the text on the component.

1 Answers

The Box element can help. Ignore the Typography element.

See the code example below

<Box fontWeight="fontWeightLight">…
<Box fontWeight="fontWeightRegular">…
<Box fontWeight="fontWeightMedium">…
<Box fontWeight={500}>…
<Box fontWeight="fontWeightBold">…

See official docs for more details

like image 194
Dheeraj Bhaskar Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 18:09

Dheeraj Bhaskar