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How to add comma between array items?



How can I add a comma between the values, when using map function to print out all the values? (Using React, that's why I have the key etc.)

{ cars.map(car => {
      <p key={car.id}>{car.title} ,</p>
}); }

This is how I would like the result to be, with no comma in the end of the last array item:

Audi, Nissan, Mazda, Toyota

Should I do it somehow like this?

{ cars.map((car, index) => {
  const separator = ", ";
  if(index === car.length - 1) {
       <p key={car.id}>{car.title} + separator </p>
like image 981
userden Avatar asked Aug 07 '17 12:08


People also ask

How do you add a comma to an array of values?

The comma separated list can be created by using implode() function. The implode() is a builtin function in PHP and is used to join the elements of an array.

How do you put a comma between items in a list?

Commas with More Than Two List Items. If there are more than two list items, those following US convention should use a comma before the conjunction (usually "and" or "or").

How do you separate arrays with commas?

Answer: Use the split() Method You can use the JavaScript split() method to split a string using a specific separator such as comma ( , ), space, etc. If separator is an empty string, the string is converted to an array of characters.

How do you put a comma between strings?

Approach: This can be achieved with the help of join() method of String as follows. Get the Set of String. Form a comma separated String from the Set of String using join() method by passing comma ', ' and the set as parameters.

2 Answers

You can know which call to map's callback is the last by using the index argument you get passed:

{cars.map((car, index) => {
        <p key={car.id}>{car.title} {index < cars.length - 1 ? ", " : ""}</p>

But note that p is usually a block element, so the cars would be stacked rather than shown inline with spaces (and commas) between them. I'd use span instead (although you can mark the p as inline if you want). I've used span below.

You can also use a concise arrow function rather than a verbose one with a function body:

{cars.map((car, index) =>
    <span key={car.id}>{car.title} {index < cars.length - 1 ? ", " : ""}</span>

Live example:

const cars = [
    {id: 1, title: "Ford"},
    {id: 2, title: "Toyota"},
    {id: 3, title: "Lexus"},

    <div>{cars.map((car, index) =>
        <span key={car.id}>{car.title}{index < cars.length - 1 ? ", " : ""}</span>)
<div id="root"></div>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/15.1.0/react.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/15.1.0/react-dom.min.js"></script>

In a comment somewhere you asked how to make the space non-breaking (though I think that may have been because you were using inline-block with a p element, and so normal spaces weren't being rendered). To do that, just replace ", " with ",\u00A0" above.

const cars = [
    {id: 1, title: "Ford"},
    {id: 2, title: "Toyota"},
    {id: 3, title: "Lexus"},

    <div>{cars.map((car, index) =>
        <span key={car.id}>{car.title}{index < cars.length - 1 ? ",\u00A0" : ""}</span>)
<div id="root"></div>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/15.1.0/react.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/15.1.0/react-dom.min.js"></script>
like image 181
T.J. Crowder Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 00:09

T.J. Crowder

Instead of complicating your markup and adding TextNodes between the Paragraphs, how about using CSS. It doesn't always have to be code.

/* just making the paragraphs inline */
div > p { display: inline-block; }

/* appending the commas */
div > p:after { content: ", " }

/* removing it for the last index */
div > p:last-of-type:after { content: "" }

like image 35
Thomas Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 00:09
