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How to add claims during user registration


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What are user claims?

A claim is a statement that an entity (a user or another application) makes about itself, it's just a claim. For example a claim list can have the user's name, user's e-mail, user's age, user's authorization for an action. In role-based Security, a user presents the credentials directly to the application.

How do I apply a claim in .NET core?

Claim based authorization checks are declarative - the developer embeds them within their code, against a controller or an action within a controller, specifying claims which the current user must possess, and optionally the value the claim must hold to access the requested resource.

I'm using ASP.NET MVC 5 project with identity 2.1.0 and VS2013 U4. I want to add claims to user during registration in order to be stored in db. These claims represent user custom properties.
As I created a web page for administrator to create/edit/delete users, I'm still using create method from AccountController to create a user, but I don't want to login that user. How can I add those claims to the user ?