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How to add CheckBox's to a TableView in JavaFX

In my Java Desktop Application I have a TableView in which I want to have a column with CheckBoxes.

I did find where this has been done http://www.jonathangiles.net/javafx/2.0/CellFactories/ but as the download is not available and because I don't know how soon Jonathan Giles will answer my email I thought I'd ask...

How do I put a CheckBox in a cell of my TableView?

like image 354
Dorothy Avatar asked Aug 27 '11 21:08


1 Answers

Uses javafx.scene.control.cell.CheckBoxTableCell<S,T> and the work's done !

  ObservableList< TableColumn< RSSReader, ? >> columns =      _rssStreamsView.getColumns();   [...]   TableColumn< RSSReader, Boolean > loadedColumn = new TableColumn<>( "Loaded" );   loadedColumn.setCellValueFactory(     new Callback<CellDataFeatures<RSSReader,Boolean>,ObservableValue<Boolean>>(){         @Override public         ObservableValue<Boolean> call( CellDataFeatures<RSSReader,Boolean> p ){            return p.getValue().getCompleted(); }});   loadedColumn.setCellFactory(      new Callback<TableColumn<RSSReader,Boolean>,TableCell<RSSReader,Boolean>>(){         @Override public         TableCell<RSSReader,Boolean> call( TableColumn<RSSReader,Boolean> p ){            return new CheckBoxTableCell<>(); }});   [...]   columns.add( loadedColumn ); 

UPDATE: same code using Java 8 lambda expressions

  ObservableList< TableColumn< RSSReader, ? >> columns =      _rssStreamsView.getColumns();   [...]   TableColumn< RSSReader, Boolean > loadedColumn = new TableColumn<>( "Loaded" );   loadedColumn.setCellValueFactory( f -> f.getValue().getCompleted());   loadedColumn.setCellFactory( tc -> new CheckBoxTableCell<>());   [...]   columns.add( loadedColumn ); 

Lines count is divided by two! (16 ==> 8)

UPDATE: same code using Java 10 "var" contextual word

  var columns = _rssStreamsView.getColumns();   [...]   var loadedColumn = new TableColumn<RSSReader, Boolean>( "Loaded" );   loadedColumn.setCellValueFactory( f -> f.getValue().getCompleted());   loadedColumn.setCellFactory( tc -> new CheckBoxTableCell<>());   [...]   columns.add( loadedColumn ); 

EDIT to add full functional editable example (Java 8)

public class Os {     private final StringProperty  name   = new SimpleStringProperty();    private final BooleanProperty delete = new SimpleBooleanProperty();     public Os( String nm, boolean del ) {       name  .set( nm  );       delete.set( del );    }     public StringProperty  nameProperty  () { return name;   }    public BooleanProperty deleteProperty() { return delete; } }  public class FxEditableCheckBox extends Application {     @Override    public void start( Stage stage ) throws Exception {       final TableView<Os> view = new TableView<>();       final ObservableList<TableColumn<Os, ?>> columns = view.getColumns();        final TableColumn<Os, Boolean> nameColumn = new TableColumn<>( "Name" );       nameColumn.setCellValueFactory( new PropertyValueFactory<>( "name" ));       columns.add(  nameColumn );        final TableColumn<Os, Boolean> loadedColumn = new TableColumn<>( "Delete" );       loadedColumn.setCellValueFactory( new PropertyValueFactory<>( "delete" ));       loadedColumn.setCellFactory( tc -> new CheckBoxTableCell<>());       columns.add( loadedColumn );        final ObservableList<Os> items =          FXCollections.observableArrayList(             new Os( "Microsoft Windows 3.1"    , true  ),             new Os( "Microsoft Windows 3.11"   , true  ),             new Os( "Microsoft Windows 95"     , true  ),             new Os( "Microsoft Windows NT 3.51", true  ),             new Os( "Microsoft Windows NT 4"   , true  ),             new Os( "Microsoft Windows 2000"   , true  ),             new Os( "Microsoft Windows Vista"  , true  ),             new Os( "Microsoft Windows Seven"  , false ),             new Os( "Linux all versions :-)"   , false ));       view.setItems( items );       view.setEditable( true );        final Button delBtn = new Button( "Delete" );       delBtn.setMaxWidth( Double.MAX_VALUE );       delBtn.setOnAction( e -> {          final Set<Os> del = new HashSet<>();          for( final Os os : view.getItems()) {             if( os.deleteProperty().get()) {                del.add( os );             }          }          view.getItems().removeAll( del );       });       stage.setScene( new Scene( new BorderPane( view, null, null, delBtn, null )));       BorderPane.setAlignment( delBtn, Pos.CENTER );       stage.show();    }     public static void main( String[] args ) {       launch( args );    } } 

EDIT to add full functional editable example (Java 10)

public class Os {     private final StringProperty  name   = new SimpleStringProperty();    private final BooleanProperty delete = new SimpleBooleanProperty();     public Os( String nm, boolean del ) {       name  .set( nm  );       delete.set( del );    }     public StringProperty  nameProperty  () { return name;   }    public BooleanProperty deleteProperty() { return delete; } }  public class FxEditableCheckBoxJava10 extends Application {     @Override    public void start( Stage stage ) throws Exception {       final var view       = new TableView<Os>();       final var columns    = view.getColumns();       final var nameColumn = new TableColumn<Os, Boolean>( "Name" );       nameColumn.setCellValueFactory( new PropertyValueFactory<>( "name" ));       columns.add(  nameColumn );       final var loadedColumn = new TableColumn<Os, Boolean>( "Delete" );       loadedColumn.setCellValueFactory( new PropertyValueFactory<>( "delete" ));       loadedColumn.setCellFactory( tc -> new CheckBoxTableCell<>());       columns.add( loadedColumn );       final var items = FXCollections.observableArrayList(          new Os( "Microsoft Windows 3.1"    , true  ),          new Os( "Microsoft Windows 3.11"   , true  ),          new Os( "Microsoft Windows 95"     , true  ),          new Os( "Microsoft Windows NT 3.51", true  ),          new Os( "Microsoft Windows NT 4"   , true  ),          new Os( "Microsoft Windows 2000"   , true  ),          new Os( "Microsoft Windows Vista"  , true  ),          new Os( "Microsoft Windows Seven"  , false ),          new Os( "Linux all versions :-)"   , false ));       view.setItems( items );       view.setEditable( true );       final var delBtn = new Button( "Delete" );       delBtn.setMaxWidth( Double.MAX_VALUE );       delBtn.setOnAction( e -> {          final var del = new HashSet<Os>();          for( final var os : view.getItems()) {             if( os.deleteProperty().get()) {                del.add( os );             }          }          view.getItems().removeAll( del );       });       stage.setScene( new Scene( new BorderPane( view, null, null, delBtn, null )));       BorderPane.setAlignment( delBtn, Pos.CENTER );       stage.show();    }     public static void main( String[] args ) {       launch( args );    } } 
like image 169
Aubin Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 17:09
