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How to add authentication token in header in Picasso library

I am using the picasso library to download the bitmap so in the api I need to pass the token in the headers. I tried below code from this thread Android Picasso library, How to add authentication headers?

public static Picasso getImageLoader(final Context context) {
    // fetch the auth value
    sSharedPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context.getApplicationContext());

    Picasso.Builder builder = new Picasso.Builder(context);
    builder.downloader(new OkHttpDownloader(context) {
        protected HttpURLConnection openConnection(Uri uri) throws IOException {
            HttpURLConnection connection = super.openConnection(uri);
            connection.setRequestProperty(Constant.HEADER_X_API_KEY, sSharedPreferences.getString(SharedPreferenceKeys.JSESSIONID, ""));
            return connection;
    sPicasso = builder.build();
    return sPicasso;

Picasso Request

mTarget = new Target() {
    public void onBitmapLoaded(Bitmap bitmap, Picasso.LoadedFrom loadedFrom) {
        Logger.d(TAG, "Test");

    public void onBitmapFailed(Drawable drawable) {
        Logger.d(TAG, "Test");

    public void onPrepareLoad(Drawable drawable) {
        Logger.d(TAG, "Test");



I debugged my code & I see it never called openconnection override method of OkHttpDownloader so my request always fail & at the end it calls onBitmapFailed.

Please help what are things I have to do to pass headers value correctly.

Thanks in advance.

like image 959
N Sharma Avatar asked Jan 09 '23 16:01

N Sharma

2 Answers

It took two days to resolve this problem. For custom downloader you don't have to call with method because this will initialize the default downloader & picasso instance. Simply do below like this that will help you to get bitmap.

Picasso.Builder builder = new Picasso.Builder(getActivity());
picasso =  builder.downloader(new OkHttpDownloader(getActivity()) {
    protected HttpURLConnection openConnection(Uri uri) throws IOException {
        HttpURLConnection connection = super.openConnection(uri);
        connection.setRequestProperty(Constant.HEADER_X_API_KEY, mSharedPreferences.getString(SharedPreferenceKeys.JSESSIONID, ""));
        return connection;
like image 117
N Sharma Avatar answered Jan 17 '23 17:01

N Sharma

This finally worked for me, just call it and then use the picasso instance, here I add an access token. But you could also add username and password.

private void setupPicasso()
    //need to set picasso up to use auth - took a while to work this out!
    final Context c = context;
    OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient.Builder()
            .addInterceptor(new Interceptor() {
                public Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException {
                    String token = <token you got when you logged in>;
                    String authString = "Bearer "+token;                        
                    Request newRequest = chain.request().newBuilder()
                            .addHeader("Authorization", authString)
                    return chain.proceed(newRequest);
    picasso = new Picasso.Builder(context)
            .downloader(new OkHttp3Downloader(client))
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68060 Avatar answered Jan 17 '23 18:01