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How to add a JAR file to an existing gradle project?

I have a jar file for Aspose Cells for Java that I want to add to an existing Gradle project in IntelliJ IDEA 2017.2.1.

If I go to View -> Tool Windows -> Gradle, I see the gradle window like so but I don't know what to click. I tried right-clicking on Dependencies but nothing happened. Should I click the + sign? I think not.

enter image description here

How do I do that?

  1. Is it okay to add it the non-gradle way, i.e. by clicking File -> Project Structure -> Dependencies tab -> + sign?

  2. What is the gradle way of doing it? Where do I find the build.gradle file to edit? I could see it a few commits earlier but I am having a hard time finding my way around the IDE. I can see the build.gradle file in Windows explorer. Should I edit it by hand outside of the IDE?

like image 373
Water Cooler v2 Avatar asked Mar 08 '23 06:03

Water Cooler v2

2 Answers

compile files('/<ABSOLUTE_PATH>/<DEPENDENCY>.jar')
//put jar file in lib directory of project.
compile fileTree(dir: 'lib', includes: ['*.jar']) }
like image 164
Rohit Verma Avatar answered Mar 17 '23 09:03

Rohit Verma

How to add Jar in existing project in Intellij

  1. Goto File->project structure-> Libraries tab -> + sign?
  2. Select Java from the list
  3. Select jar file from file system
  4. Choose apply and ok

How to add dependency in gradle project 1. If your project is gradle project it will have build.gradle in root path of project. 2. Open build.gradle and add it in the dependencies block in required decencies. 3. Make sure that repositories for libraries should be already included. (Usually if library is on mavenCentral then it should be like mavenCentral() )

like image 33
swapnil Avatar answered Mar 17 '23 08:03
