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how to add a Incremental column ID for a table in spark SQL

I'm working on a spark mllib algorithm. The dataset I have is in this form

Company":"XXXX","CurrentTitle":"XYZ","Edu_Title":"ABC","Exp_mnth":.(there are more values similar to these)

Im trying to raw code String values to Numeric values. So, I tried using zipwithuniqueID for unique value for each of the string values.For some reason I'm not able to save the modified dataset to the disk. Can I do this in any way using spark SQL? or what would be the better approach for this?

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KM-Yash Avatar asked Jul 14 '16 14:07


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1 Answers


val dataFrame1 = dataFrame0.withColumn("index",monotonically_increasing_id())


 Import org.apache.spark.sql.functions;
Dataset<Row> dataFrame1 = dataFrame0.withColumn("index",functions.monotonically_increasing_id());
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Yugerten Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 14:10
