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How to add a Glyphicon to NavDropdown in ReactBootstrap

I'm trying to add a glyphicon to a NavDropdown in React Bootstrap. I know that you can add it to a normal Dropdown like this, as explained in the documentation.

<Dropdown id="dropdown-custom-1">
    <Glyphicon glyph="star" />
    Pow! Zoom!
  <Dropdown.Menu >
    <MenuItem eventKey="1">Action</MenuItem>
    <MenuItem eventKey="2">Another action</MenuItem>

What I've tried:

1. Does not work:

    <NavDropdown eventKey={3} id="basic-nav-dropdown">
       <Glyphicon glyph="star" />
       Pow! Zoom!
       <MenuItem eventKey={3.1}>Action</MenuItem>
       <MenuItem eventKey={3.2}>Another action</MenuItem>

2. Does not work:

    <NavDropdown eventKey={3} title={<Glyphicon glyph="star" /> Dropdown} id="basic-nav-dropdown">
       <MenuItem eventKey={3.1}>Action</MenuItem>
       <MenuItem eventKey={3.2}>Another action</MenuItem>

3. Does work but the caret is not aligned with the text and it appears in a new line:

    <NavDropdown eventKey={3} title={<div><Glyphicon glyph="star" /> Dropdown </div>} id="basic-nav-dropdown">
       <MenuItem eventKey={3.1}>Action</MenuItem>
       <MenuItem eventKey={3.2}>Another action</MenuItem>
like image 682
piptin Avatar asked Aug 29 '17 13:08


1 Answers

You can try to pass a title through the <Glyphicon /> component like this:

 render() {
     const navDropdownTitle = (<Glyphicon glyph="star"> Dropdown </Glyphicon>);
     return (
       <NavDropdown title={navDropdownTitle} eventKey={3} id="basic-nav-dropdown">
          <MenuItem eventKey={3.1}>Action</MenuItem>
          <MenuItem eventKey={3.2}>Another action</MenuItem>

(Update) Or we can use your approach but with small fix for div style. The font style does not break down in this case.

 <NavDropdown eventKey={3} title={<div style={{display: "inline-block"}}><Glyphicon glyph="star" /> Dropdown </div>} id="basic-nav-dropdown">
   <MenuItem eventKey={3.1}>Action</MenuItem>
   <MenuItem eventKey={3.2}>Another action</MenuItem>

And you probably will need to disable text-decoration: underline style to make drop-down look better. For example with this css-rule:

a.dropdown-toggle {
    text-decoration: none;
like image 150
Vlad Povalii Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 00:11

Vlad Povalii