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How to add a Floating Action Button, without AppCompat?

I'm looking to make a new app, using only API 21.

To follow the Material Design, I'm trying to use a FAB, but I cannot find any decent information on how to use the one now included in the Design Library.

So far, I have added the library the the build.gradle file, and added a FAB to my view (code below)


(This is in a RelativeLayout)

When I launch the app, I get:

android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #15: Error inflating class android.support.design.widget.FloatingActionButton

I found one answer on SO that says I need to use an AppCompat theme, but I'd rather just use pure Material/API21 stuff.

How can I use a FAB without AppCompat (support libraries)?

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Mr Pablo Avatar asked Jun 23 '15 12:06

Mr Pablo

People also ask

How do I add a floating action button?

Add the floating action button to your layoutThe size of the FAB, using the app:fabSize attribute or the setSize() method. The ripple color of the FAB, using the app:rippleColor attribute or the setRippleColor() method. The FAB icon, using the android:src attribute or the setImageDrawable() method.

How do I add a floating action button in HTML?

Here is an example using HTML and CSS to create a floating action button (without the hover effect). And here is a simple floating action button jQuery plugin, in case you need it. But it is using on click trigger rather than hover.

2 Answers

The FAB is built into the new Design Compat library - which will work on devices as early as API 7. You will need to include it as a dependency to use it (and shouldn't hesitate to do so).

If you want to avoid using a library (or any external code) you will need to draw the FAB yourself (using a Shape Drawable).

Bottom line, using the Design Compat lib is the preferred method for supporting a FAB, and you should use it. The Design Compat lib IS the "pure/Material API21 stuff".

There is NOT a FAB implementation implemented for any API other then the one in the Design support lib. You have to include the lib, or implement the code entirely yourself.

The Design lib has a dependency on AppCompat, so if you are planning on using the native fab, you will also need to include the dependency for AppCompat.

From the official blog post: "Note that as the Design library depends on the Support v4 and AppCompat Support Libraries, those will be included automatically when you add the Design library dependency."

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Booger Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 20:09


The Material Design library has a dependency with AppCompat. Check the @Booger answer. It reports the official blog.

How to use a FAB.

Add the dependency to your build.gradle:

compile 'com.android.support:design:22.2.0'

Just add the FAB to your design:

            app:fabSize="normal" />

Currently there are some bugs.

You have to define app:borderWidth="0dp" to display the shadow with API21+.

Also you have to define different margins for API 21+ and older devices.


<dimen name="fab_margin_right">0dp</dimen>
<dimen name="fab_margin_bottom">0dp</dimen>


<dimen name="fab_margin_right">16dp</dimen>
<dimen name="fab_margin_bottom">16dp</dimen>

FAB uses the accent color and you could override with app:backgroundTint attribute.

Finally you can set a ClickListener with:

fab = (FloatingActionButton) findViewById(R.id.fab);
fab.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(View v) {
        //do something
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Gabriele Mariotti Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 21:09

Gabriele Mariotti