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How to add a drop down menu to a JTable cell

This may be a question asked before. I searched a lot before posting here, but couldn't figure out any acceptable one.

Can some one show me a way how to do this. I simply need to get a drop down menu when i click on the cell so that I'll have to select a value from that (as a way to restrict the user selection).

If some one can help with this I believe it will help a lot of people out there. There are a lots of questions similar to this but no any clear answer. Please answer with a bit more details. An example would be much appreciated..

Thank you!

like image 976
Anubis Avatar asked Jul 27 '12 09:07


1 Answers

  • use DefaultCellEditor with DefaultTableModel for JTable in the event that all the JComboBoxes will have identical values in the concrete TableColumn

  • if will have not identical values, then to use DefaultCellEditor for JComboBoxes with custom AbstractTableModel

like image 108
mKorbel Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 22:09
