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How to add a DocumentProperty to CustomDocumentProperties in Excel?




I'm trying to add a DocumentProperty to the CustomDocumentProperties collection. Code as follows:

Sub testcustdocprop()
Dim docprops As DocumentProperties
Dim docprop As DocumentProperty

Set docprops = ThisWorkbook.CustomDocumentProperties
Set docprop = docprops.Add(Name:="test", LinkToContent:=False, Value:="xyz")

End Sub

Running this gives me the following error:

Run-time error '5':
Invalid procedure call or argument

I tried running it with .Add as a void function, like so:

docprops.Add Name:="test", LinkToContent:=False, Value:="xyz"

This gave me the same error. How do I add a custom document property?

like image 616
sigil Avatar asked Feb 13 '13 21:02


People also ask

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On the Summary tab, you can add or edit the Title, Subject, Author, Manager, Company, Category, Keywords (also called Tags), and Comments. Click the File tab. Click Info to view the properties. To add or change properties, hover your pointer over the property you want to update and enter the information.

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To open the Properties dialog Open the document for which you want to view or edit properties. 2. Choose File > Properties (Figure 1).

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Select File > Info. Select a property that starts with Add, like Add a title, Add a tag, or Add an author. Enter the information. To see more properties, select Show all properties.

2 Answers

Try this routine:

Public Sub updateCustomDocumentProperty(strPropertyName As String, _
    varValue As Variant, docType As Office.MsoDocProperties)

    On Error Resume Next
    ActiveWorkbook.CustomDocumentProperties(strPropertyName).Value = varValue
    If Err.Number > 0 Then
        ActiveWorkbook.CustomDocumentProperties.Add _
            Name:=strPropertyName, _
            LinkToContent:=False, _
            Type:=docType, _
    End If
End Sub

Edit: Usage Examples

Five years later and the 'official' documentation is still a mess on this... I figured I'd add some examples of usage:

Set Custom Properties

Sub test_setProperties()
    updateCustomDocumentProperty "my_API_Token", "AbCd1234", msoPropertyTypeString
    updateCustomDocumentProperty "my_API_Token_Expiry", #1/31/2019#, msoPropertyTypeDate
End Sub

Get Custom Properties

Sub test_getProperties()
    MsgBox ActiveWorkbook.CustomDocumentProperties("my_API_Token") & vbLf _
        & ActiveWorkbook.CustomDocumentProperties("my_API_Token_Expiry")
End Sub

List All Custom Properties

Sub listCustomProps()
    Dim prop As DocumentProperty
    For Each prop In ActiveWorkbook.CustomDocumentProperties
        Debug.Print prop.Name & " = " & prop.Value & " (" & Choose(prop.Type, _
            "msoPropertyTypeNumber", "msoPropertyTypeBoolean", "msoPropertyTypeDate", _
            "msoPropertyTypeString", "msoPropertyTypeFloat") & ")"
    Next prop
End Sub

Delete Custom Properties

Sub deleteCustomProps()
End Sub
like image 142
Peter Albert Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 04:10

Peter Albert

I figured I should extend the above answer from 2013 to work without having to pass in the docType argument:

Private Function getMsoDocProperty(v As Variant) As Integer
    'VB TYPES:
        'vbEmpty                0       Empty (uninitialized)
        'vbNull                 1       Null (no valid data)
        'vbInteger              2       Integer
        'vbLong                 3       Long integer
        'vbSingle               4       Single-precision floating-point number
        'vbDouble               5       Double-precision floating-point number
        'vbCurrency             6       Currency value
        'vbDate                 7       Date value
        'vbString               8       String
        'vbObject               9       Object
        'vbError                10      Error value
        'vbBoolean              11      Boolean value
        'vbVariant              12      Variant (used only with arrays of variants)
        'vbDataObject           13      A data access object
        'vbDecimal              14      Decimal value
        'vbByte                 17      Byte value
        'vbUserDefinedType      36      Variants that contain user-defined types
        'vbArray                8192    Array

        'msoPropertyTypeNumber  1       Integer value.
        'msoPropertyTypeBoolean 2       Boolean value.
        'msoPropertyTypeDate    3       Date value.
        'msoPropertyTypeString  4       String value.
        'msoPropertyTypeFloat   5       Floating point value.

    Select Case VarType(v)
        Case 2, 3
            getMsoDocProperty = Office.MsoDocProperties.msoPropertyTypeNumber
        Case 11
            getMsoDocProperty = Office.MsoDocProperties.msoPropertyTypeBoolean
        Case 7
            getMsoDocProperty = Office.MsoDocProperties.msoPropertyTypeDate
        Case 8, 17
            getMsoDocProperty = Office.MsoDocProperties.msoPropertyTypeString
        Case 4 To 6, 14
            getMsoDocProperty = Office.MsoDocProperties.msoPropertyTypeFloat
        Case Else
            getMsoDocProperty = 0
    End Select
End Function

Public Sub subUpdateCustomDocumentProperty(strPropertyName As String, _
    varValue As Variant, Optional docType As Office.MsoDocProperties = 0)

    If docType = 0 Then docType = getMsoDocProperty(varValue)
    If docType = 0 Then
        MsgBox "An error occurred in ""subUpdateCustomDocumentProperty"" routine", vbCritical
        Exit Sub
    End If

    On Error Resume Next
    Wb.CustomDocumentProperties(strPropertyName).Value _
        = varValue
    If Err.Number > 0 Then
        Wb.CustomDocumentProperties.Add _
            Name:=strPropertyName, _
            LinkToContent:=False, _
            Type:=docType, _
    End If
End Sub
like image 37
Sancarn Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 03:10
