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How to add a custom validation rule to a model in Sencha Touch

This article by Sencha covers how to use the built in validation rules (presence, length, format, inclusion, exclusion) and mentions that adding custom rules is easy, but doesn't ever explain how to do it. I've googled high and low and read the sencha docs, but I can't find anything on how to do it. Any Ideas?


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micmcg Avatar asked Sep 14 '11 09:09


2 Answers

i think the easiest way to add complex custom validations to your model is to overwrite the validate method. see below, due to the parent call, it supports the builtin validation types.

validate: function() {
    var me = this;
    var errors = this.callParent(arguments);

    /* custom complex validations here */
    if(true !== me.get('checkOne') &&
       true !== me.get('checkTwo') &&
       true !== me.get('checkThree')) {
       errors.add(Ext.create('Ext.data.Error', {
                    field  : 'checkOne',
                    message: 'Choose at least one check, e.g. checkOne'

    return errors;
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casdero Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 11:10


I think it's one of the slight errors in the documentation. I got them to work by adding some code

if (Ext.data) {
    Ext.data.validations.custom = function (config, value) {
        if (config && Ext.isFunction(config.fn)) {
            //this should be the model
            if (config.self) {
                return config.fn.call(config.self, value);
            } else {
                return config.fn(value);
            return false;
    Ext.data.validations.customMessage = "Error";

Then to add a validation to a model, add an object to the model's validations array with type set to 'custom', e.g.

    type: 'custom', field: 'SomeField', message: "Your field is bad",
    fn: function (SomeFieldValueForThisInstance) {
       //Add some validation code.  The this pointer is set to the model object
       //so you can call this.get("SomeOtherFieldToCheck")
       //or any other instance method

       //if the field is good
       return true;
       return false;

Update: @salgiza was right, there's a few steps I forgot to mention in order to set the 'this' pointer correctly. If you look in the sencha touch code you'll see that at the end of Ext.data.Model's constructor it checks to see if there's an init function defined on the object, and if so, calls it

        if (typeof this.init == 'function') {

After you define your model you can add an init function to the prototype. In the function, iterate over the validations for the object and add a reference to this. This step should be done before any of the models are created.

    YourModel.prototype.init = function () {
        var i, len;
        if (this.validations) {
            for (i = 0, len = this.validations.length; i < len; i++) {
                this.validations[i].self = this;

Then in the custom validation function above, just check if the config has a self pointer and if it does, call it with self. I've edited the code above to use self.

Note: I don't see the Model's init function documented, so if sencha gets rid of it, you'll have to add the this pointer to the model's validations some other way.

Sorry if this caused confusion for anybody.

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Jason Freitas Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 11:10

Jason Freitas