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how to add a custom key to Keyboard in ios?




I want to add a custom key to my Keyboard. (a .com key) When user begins to type in email text field this keybord with the key should be appeared. I used keyboard type email. But it not gives that key. How I can add this key to my keyboard.


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iDia Avatar asked May 31 '13 04:05


People also ask

Can you customize iOS keyboard?

You can adjust the onscreen (software) keyboard on iPhone. If you use an external (hardware) keyboard with iPhone, you can customize keyboard shortcuts and change settings such as the key repeat rate.

How do you add Enderman to keyboard on iPhone?

Open the Settings app. Choose General > Keyboard > Keyboards > Add New Keyboard > TextExpander (under Third-Party Keyboards). Toggle on one of the supported language keyboards. Once the keyboard has been added, choose Done.

3 Answers

Here is the tutorial that helps you add custom buttons into ios keyboard!


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Vinayak Kini Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 10:11

Vinayak Kini

The .com key is added when the URL type keyboard is used: KeyboardManagement

You might as well make use of the inputAccessoryView of the text field, add a UIToolbar to it, and in the toolbar you can add a few buttons you want, including custom .com button.

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Valent Richie Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 10:11

Valent Richie

Have a look at this: custom keyboard

Integrate one of them into your project and customise it accordingly. Hope it helps to start...

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lakshmen Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 08:11
