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How to add a component programmatically in Angular.Dart?

I would like to dynamically build a component tree basing on some information received from AJAX calls.

How to programmatically add a component to the DOM from inside of other component? I have <outer-comp> and I would like, basing on some logic, insert an <inner-comp>. The following code just inserts the elements <inner-comp></inner-comp> to the DOM, and not actual <inner-comp> representation.

  selector: 'outer-comp',
  templateUrl: 'view/outer_component.html',
  cssUrl: 'view/outer_component.css',
  publishAs: 'outer'
class AppComponent extends NgShadowRootAware {      
  void onShadowRoot(ShadowRoot shadowRoot) {
    DivElement inner = shadowRoot.querySelector("#inner");

Update: I managed to render the inner component correctly in the following way, but I'm still not sure if this is the proper way:

class AppComponent extends NgShadowRootAware {
  Compiler compiler;
  Injector injector;
  AppComponent(this.compiler, this.injector);

  void onShadowRoot(ShadowRoot shadowRoot) {
    DivElement inner = shadowRoot.querySelector("#inner");
    BlockFactory template = compiler(inner.nodes);
    var block = template(injector);


like image 441
Michal Pietrusinski Avatar asked Dec 06 '13 12:12

Michal Pietrusinski

3 Answers

The API has changed in AngularDart 0.9.9:

  • BlockFactory now is ViewFactory
  • scope.$new now seems to be scope.createChild(scope.context)
  • injector.createChild(modules) now requires a list of modules (instead of a single one)

AngularDart 0.10.0 introduces these changes:

  • NgShadowRootAware not is ShadowRootAware
  • ..value() now is ..bind(., toValue: .)

So the code of pavelgj now looks like so:

class AppComponent extends ShadowRootAware {
  Compiler compiler;
  Injector injector;
  Scope scope;
  DirectiveMap directives;

  AppComponent(this.compiler, this.injector, this.scope, this.directives);

  void onShadowRoot(ShadowRoot shadowRoot) {
    DivElement inner = shadowRoot.querySelector("#inner");
    ViewFactory template = compiler([inner], directives);
    Scope childScope = scope.createChild(scope.context);
    Injector childInjector = 
        injector.createChild([new Module()..bind(Scope, toValue: childScope)]);
    template(childInjector, [inner]);
like image 83
Stephan Rauh Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 01:10

Stephan Rauh

This would be a proper use of the block API.

class AppComponent extends NgShadowRootAware {
  Compiler compiler;
  Injector injector;
  Scope scope;
  DirectiveMap directives;

  AppComponent(this.compiler, this.injector, this.scope, this.directives);

  void onShadowRoot(ShadowRoot shadowRoot) {
    DivElement inner = shadowRoot.querySelector("#inner");
    BlockFactory template = compiler([inner], directives);
    Scope childScope = scope.$new();
    Injector childInjector = 
        injector.createChild(new Module()..value(Scope, childScope));
    template(childInjector, [inner]);

Also, if you ever need to recompile the inner template make sure you do childScope.$destroy() on the previous childScope.

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pavelgj Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 00:10


The above code samples on longer work because of changes in the Angular Dart library. Specifically ViewFactory.call which no longer takes an injector but takes a Scope and a DirectiveInjector. I've tried adapting what's above and I get very close. The component shows up but none of the bindings are replaced (I see {{cmp.value}} for example.

Here's the code I'm using. I think the issue here is that DirectiveInjector is coming in as null.

void main() {
  IBMModule module = new IBMModule();
  AngularModule angularModule = new AngularModule();

  Injector injector = applicationFactory()

  AppComponent appComponent = injector.get(AppComponent);
  appComponent.addElement("<brazos-input-string label='test'/>");

class AppComponent {
  NodeValidator validator;
  Compiler _compiler;
  DirectiveInjector _injector;
  DirectiveMap _directiveMap;
  NodeTreeSanitizer _nodeTreeSanitizer;
  Scope _scope;

  AppComponent(this._injector, this._compiler, this._directiveMap, this._scope, this._nodeTreeSanitizer) {
    validator = new NodeValidatorBuilder.common()

  void addElement(String elementHTML) {
    DivElement container = querySelector("#container");
    DivElement inner = new DivElement();
    inner.setInnerHtml(elementHTML, validator: validator);
    ViewFactory viewFactory = _compiler.call([inner], _directiveMap);
    Scope childScope = _scope.createChild(new PrototypeMap(_scope.context));
    if (_injector == null) {
      print("injector is null");
    View newView = viewFactory.call(childScope, _injector);
    newView.nodes.forEach((node) => inner.append(node));

class IBMModule extends Module {
  IBMModule() {
    bind(ProcessDataProvider, toImplementation: ActivitiDataProvider);
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David Parish Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 00:10

David Parish