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How to add a company Logo to ShinyDashboard header (Not mainPanel or mainHeader)

I tried to refer to below answers but the logo is locate inside the main panel but not the header panel... Any solution?

  • Adding a company Logo to ShinyDashboard header
  • Embedding Image in Shiny App
  • Add company logo to every page using Rstudio and knitr [duplicate]


I saw that DISTRIBUTIONS OF RANDOM VARIABLES has a logo inside main panel's header but unable to work in shinyDashboard header. Below is the coding for the company logo header:

        HTML('Distributions of Random Variables v4
            <a href="http://snap.uaf.edu" target="_blank"><img align="right" alt="SNAP Logo" src="./img/SNAP_acronym_100px.png" /></a>'
        ), "Distributions of Random Variables"

Below is my coding for adding company logo and the source codes is here. Any idea?

dbHeader <- dashboardHeader(title = 'Reporting Dashboard',
            dropdownMenu(type = 'notifications',
                         notificationItem(text = '5 new users today', icon('users')),
                         notificationItem(text = '12 items delivered', 
                                          icon('truck'), status = 'success'),
                         notificationItem(text = 'Server load at 86%', 
                                          icon = icon('exclamation-triangle'), 
                                          status = 'warning')),
            dropdownMenu(type = 'tasks',
                         badgeStatus = 'success',
                         taskItem(value = 90, color = 'green', 'Documentation'),
                         taskItem(value = 17, color = 'aqua', 'Project X'),
                         taskItem(value = 75, color = 'yellow', 'Server deployment'),
                         taskItem(value = 80, color = 'red', 'Overall project')))
dbHeader$children$children <- HTML("<a href='http://www.scibrokes.com' target='_blank'>
                        <img align='right' alt='Logo' src='./oda-army.jpg'/></a>")
like image 969
Rγσ ξηg Lιαη Ημ Avatar asked Dec 10 '22 17:12

Rγσ ξηg Lιαη Ημ

1 Answers

the solution is to conceal your image, such that shiny renders it like it would have rendered a normal dropdownMenu item.

As you might have seen from your console, dashboardHeader throws errors

Error in FUN(X[[i]], ...) : Expected tag to be of type li

if you try to insert any custom HTML. And if you choose a li tag, it even elaborates

Error in FUN(X[[i]], ...) : Expected tag to have class 'dropdown'

So here is your deal, add your image in a li wrapper with class dropdown and you are good to go.

Sample code:


    ui = shinyUI(
          dashboardHeader(title = 'Reporting Dashboard',
            tags$li(class = "dropdown",
                    tags$a(href="http://snap.uaf.edu", target="_blank", 
                           tags$img(height = "20px", alt="SNAP Logo", src="https://www.snap.uaf.edu/sites/default/files/pictures/snap_symbol_color.png")
            dropdownMenu(type = 'notifications',
                         notificationItem(text = '5 new users today', icon('users')),
                         notificationItem(text = '12 items delivered', 
                                          icon('truck'), status = 'success'),
                         notificationItem(text = 'Server load at 86%', 
                                          icon = icon('exclamation-triangle'), 
                                          status = 'warning')),
            dropdownMenu(type = 'tasks',
                         badgeStatus = 'success',
                         taskItem(value = 90, color = 'green', 'Documentation'),
                         taskItem(value = 17, color = 'aqua', 'Project X'),
                         taskItem(value = 75, color = 'yellow', 'Server deployment'),
                         taskItem(value = 80, color = 'red', 'Overall project'))


    server = function(input, output){}

  ), launch.browser = TRUE

Hope this helps!

like image 151
K. Rohde Avatar answered Feb 13 '23 09:02

K. Rohde