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How to add a bunch of global filters in Vue.js?




I want to make use of a few global filters in a Vue.js app. I know I need to define them before my main Vue instance, but sticking them all in the 'main.js' file doesn't seem right to me from a code organisation point of view. How could I have the definitions in a separate file, imported to 'main.js'? Can't quite get my head around the import/export stuff for this.

like image 484
John Moore Avatar asked Oct 29 '17 20:10

John Moore

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2 Answers

Create a filters.js file.

import Vue from "vue"  Vue.filter("first4Chars", str => str.substring(0, 4)) Vue.filter("last4Chars", str => str.substring(str.length - 4)) 

Import it into your main.js.

import Vue from 'vue' import App from './App' import "./filters"  new Vue({   el: '#app',   template: '<App/>',   components: { App }, }) 

Here is a working example.

Side note: If you get a "Vue not found" type of error, as a test try importing filters after the new Vue() declaration, like this:

import Vue from 'vue' import App from './App'  new Vue({   el: '#app',   template: '<App/>',   components: { App }, })  import "./filters" 
like image 82
Bert Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 15:09


I think the best way is to use the pluginfeature from VueJS

  1. Create a filters folder and put all of you filters there ...

    - filters   | - filter1.js   | - index.js 
  2. In the filter file export the function you need, in this example I'll use a uppercase filter:

    export default function uppercase (input) {     return input.toUpperCase(); } 
  3. In the index.js import and create a plugin:

    import uppercase from './filter1';   export default {      install(Vue) {          Vue.filter('uppercase', uppercase);      } } 
  4. In you main.js file use it

    import filters from './filters'; import Vue from 'vue';  Vue.use(filters); 
like image 40
Lucas Katayama Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 15:09

Lucas Katayama