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how to achieve multi line label with react Material UI

I am using react js to develop my web application and I am using React material design for the UI. Below is the url which I am referring.


I am trying to achieve something like this

enter image description here

I am using the tabs but I can't get a two line text as like the image I shared. either I can use image and label or if the label is too big then it goes in multi line. How can I achieve two line text as like the image

like image 547
Gopi Nath Avatar asked Oct 27 '17 06:10

Gopi Nath

1 Answers

In order to make multiline text, you can insert the HTML < pre > tag, from which the text formatting is retained. Then it remains to inherit the style of the text.

    <pre style={{ fontFamily: 'inherit' }}>
like image 158
Domovikx Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 12:09
