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How to access the "Shared with me" root list with Google Drive SDK?

In the Google Drive SDK documentation, I can't figure out how to access the root list of files/folders shared with me by others, any idea?

I tried to search for files not owned by me, meaning query files/list with the following parameter:

"q=not 'me' in owners"

But that returns all the files owned by others, not only the "root list" of those files.

Thanks for your help.

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Martin Avatar asked Sep 18 '12 09:09


1 Answers

Apparently, there is a new search parameter, called sharedWithMe. Setting the Q to "sharedWithMe" is enough to receive the parent folders and files that were shared with the user. It can be combined with other parameters too - for example "sharedWithMe and trashed=false".

You have probably already found about it, but it might be useful to have an answer of this question.

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stan0 Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 04:11
