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How to access the parent controller from the child routes in Ember JS?

I have a main route named list.

setupController(controller, items) { 
    let vegItems = Ember.A([]);
    let nonVegItems = Ember.A([]);
    items.forEach((item) => {
        if (item.get('category') === "veg") {

        if (item.get('category') === "non_veg") {

    controller.set('vegItems', vegItems)
    controller.set('nonVegItems', nonVegItems);

Now inside the list route, I have the routes named veg and non-veg. i.e list/veg and list/non-veg. How can I access the controller variables of parent route, i.e vegItems and nonVegItems from list/route.js to the child route to load the data in list/veg/template.hbs and list/non-veg/template.hbs?

like image 872
Abhishek Bhatta Avatar asked Dec 24 '22 00:12

Abhishek Bhatta

1 Answers

this.controllerFor('list') - Returns the controller of the current route, or a parent (or any ancestor) route in a route hierarchy. You can get all the properties through get method.

this.modelFor('list') - Returns the resolved model of a parent (or any ancestor) route in a route hierarchy.

list:Ember.inject.controller() - Creates a property that lazily looks up another controller in the container. You can inject it only in the controller.





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Ember Freak Avatar answered May 13 '23 14:05

Ember Freak