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How to access specific cell of clicked table row in javascript

I have an HTML table populated from database. And a jquery function that adds client click event to every table row.

$(function() {
    $(".TreeTable tr").each(function(index) {
        $(this).click(function() {

Now I am able to get complete row values by clicking on any row. Now I need to access individual cell value in that function. Can any one tell me how I get individual cell value on row click.

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Ashish Rathore Avatar asked Mar 25 '13 13:03

Ashish Rathore

4 Answers

Take a look at this:

    $('.TreeTable tr').click(function(e){
        var cell = $(e.target).get(0); // This is the TD you clicked
        var tr = $(this); // This is the TR you clicked
        $('td', tr).each(function(i, td){
              +i+': '+$(td).text() 
              + (td===cell?' [clicked]':'') );

Here is the working code: http://jsfiddle.net/VbA9D/

In case you have other HTML elements inside the table cells on which you might click, the below example will work better:

    $('.TreeTable tr').click(function(e){
        var cell = $(e.target).get(0); // This is the TD you clicked
        if(cell.nodeName != 'TD') 
            cell = $(cell).closest('td').get(0);
        var tr = $(this); // This is the TR you clicked
        $('td', tr).each(function(i, td){
              +i+': '+$(td).text() 
              + (td===cell?' [clicked]':'') );

And here is the code you can test:


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leoinfo Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 23:10


First, there's no need for the .each - the .click method will bind to every passed element, not only the first.

Second, there's a specific properties called cells on table row elements that gives direct access to the row's cells:

$('.TreeTable').on('click', 'tr', function() {
    var td = this.cells[0];  // the first <td>
    alert( $(td).text() );

Note the use of event delegation - the event handler is actually registered on the entire table, and then relies on event bubbling to tell you which row was clicked (and from that obtain the cell text).

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Alnitak Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 22:10


You can get the second cell by using

 alert($('td', this).eq(1).text());

Usually, for a more reliable code, you'll prefer to add a class to your desired cell so that you can use

 alert($('td.myclass', this).text());

If what you want is to get the cell which was clicked, simply bind the event to the cell :

$(".TreeTable  td").click(function() { // td not tr

Note that it's useless to loop over a jQuery collection to bind an event, as you can see from my last code.

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Denys Séguret Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 22:10

Denys Séguret

I prefer this:

$('.TreeTable').on('click', 'td', function() { // td not tr
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Mr_Green Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 23:10
