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How to access router globally in backbone js?

This is my app.js file. I need to access the router's navigate method from within the navigateToLogin method of the LandingView class. But since the appRouter is defined after the view it can't recognize the router from within the view. So I need to find a way to globally access the router from any class or method. How can I get around this problem?

var LandingView = Backbone.View.extend({
    tagName: 'div', 
    id: 'landing',
    className: 'landingpad',
    events: {
        'click button#login': 'navigateToLogin',
    render: function (){

        (this.$el).append("<button class='button' id='login'>Login</button><br/><br/><br/>");
        (this.$el).append("<button class='button' id='new'>New User?</button>");

        return this;
    navigateToLogin: function(e){
        app.navigate("/login", true);
        return false; 

var appRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({

initialize: function(){
    $('#content').html(new LandingView().render().el);

    app = new appRouter();
like image 884
jaykumarark Avatar asked Dec 19 '12 13:12


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Backbone. Backbone has been around for a long time, but it's still under steady and regular development. It's a good choice if you want a flexible JavaScript framework with a simple model for representing data and getting it into views.

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You can use the Backbone. Model without jQuery, but Backbone. View will require either jQuery or Zepto, just like the docs state. Chances of not using view and router is low enough.

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Backend Synchronization BackboneJS is use with the front-end and back-end systems, allows the synchronization with the backend to provide support to RESTful APIs.

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Backbone. js is a model view controller (MVC) Web application framework that provides structure to JavaScript-heavy applications. This is done by supplying models with custom events and key-value binding, views using declarative event handling and collections with a rich application programming interface (API).

2 Answers

If you dig into Backbone's code a little, you'll notice that the router's implementation of navigate in turn calls Backbone.history.navigate:

// Simple proxy to `Backbone.history` to save a fragment into the history.
navigate: function(fragment, options) {
  Backbone.history.navigate(fragment, options);

So instead of explicitly mucking up the global scope, use Backbone.history.navigate:

var LandingView = Backbone.View.extend({
    navigateToLogin: function(e){
        Backbone.history.navigate("/login", true);
        return false; 
like image 140
Lukas Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 13:09


If you need appRouter to be accessible globally, you have to attach it to some global object. In web browsers this is the window object.

window.app = new appRouter();

And access it via window:


Using globals can lead to code that's difficult to maintain. If your app is not of trivial size, consider using some decoupling mechanism, such as the mediator pattern.

like image 27
jevakallio Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 13:09
