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How to access Properties of a class from a Generic Method - C#

I have a three class which is having following properties

Class A
    public int CustID { get; set; }
    public string Name{ get; set; }

Class B
    public int CustID { get; set; }
    public string Age { get; set; }

I created one generic method which accepts all these classes.

public void ProceesData<T>(IList<T> param1, string date1)
    Parallel.ForEach(T, (currentItem) =>
       // I want to aceess CustID property of param1 and pass that value to another function
        GetDetails(CustID );

CustID property is present in Both classes(ie in Class A& Class B).How can i access CustID property in this generic method ? Can anyone help on this

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vmb Avatar asked Feb 14 '17 16:02


People also ask

How do you find the property of a generic type?

Use the IsGenericType property to determine whether the type is generic, and use the IsGenericTypeDefinition property to determine whether the type is a generic type definition. Get an array that contains the generic type arguments, using the GetGenericArguments method.

How do you invoke a generic method?

To call a generic method, you need to provide types that will be used during the method invocation. Those types can be passed as an instance of NType objects initialized with particular . NET types.

How do you indicate that a class has a generic type parameter?

A generic type is declared by specifying a type parameter in an angle brackets after a type name, e.g. TypeName<T> where T is a type parameter.

What is the difference between a generic class and a generic method?

A generic class or structure can contain nongeneric procedures, and a nongeneric class, structure, or module can contain generic procedures. A generic procedure can use its type parameters in its normal parameter list, in its return type if it has one, and in its procedure code.

2 Answers

Another possibility would be to use System.Reflection.

  1. Get the PropertyInfo from the given type T with the name of the property

  2. with that PropertyInfo you can use GetValue to get the corresponding value of that property.

Here is a small test programm to exemplify this:

public class ClassA
      public int CustID { get; set; }
      public string Name { get; set; }

public class ClassB
      public int CustID { get; set; }
     public string Age { get; set; }
public static void ProceesData<T>(IList<T> param1, string date1)
    Parallel.ForEach(param1, (currentItem) =>
        // I want to aceess CustID property of param1 and pass that value to another function
        var value = typeof(T).GetProperty("CustID").GetValue(currentItem);
        Console.WriteLine("Value: " + value);
public static void Main(string[] args)
    List<ClassA> test = new List<ClassA>();

    test.Add(new ClassA { CustID = 123 });
    test.Add(new ClassA { CustID = 223 });
    test.Add(new ClassA { CustID = 323 });

    ProceesData<ClassA>(test, "test");


To make it a little more universal you could just pass the parameter name into the method:

public static void ProceesData<T>(IList<T> param1, string date1, string parameter)
    Parallel.ForEach(param1, (currentItem) =>
        // I want to aceess CustID property of param1 and pass that value to another function
        var value = typeof(T).GetProperty(parameter).GetValue(currentItem);
        Console.WriteLine("Value: " + value);

Now you can decide what parameter you want to use:

 ProceesData<ClassA>(test, "test", "Name");


 ProceesData<ClassB>(test, "test", "Age");

As suggested by Gusman you could speed up a little by getting the PropertyInfo just once before the loop:

PropertyInfo pi = typeof(T).GetProperty(parameter);
Parallel.ForEach(param1, (currentItem) =>
    // I want to aceess CustID property of param1 and pass that value to another function
    var value = pi.GetValue(currentItem);
    Console.WriteLine("Value: " + value);


Apparently performance seems to be an issue for you. So here is a comparison. You can try it on your own if you have a minute to wait. If we measure on the access time of the property:

public static void ProceesDataD<T>(IList<T> param1, string date1)
    Parallel.ForEach(param1, (currentItem) =>
        dynamic obj = currentItem;
        int custId = obj.CustID;
public static void ProceesData<T>(IList<T> param1, string date1) where T : ICust
    Parallel.ForEach(param1, (currentItem) =>
        var value = currentItem.CustID;
public static void ProceesData<T>(IList<T> param1, string date1, string parameter)

    PropertyInfo pi = typeof(T).GetProperty(parameter);
    Parallel.ForEach(param1, (currentItem) =>
        var value = pi.GetValue(currentItem);
public static void Main(string[] args)
    List<ClassA> test = new List<ClassA>();
    List<A> testA = new List<A>();

    Stopwatch st = new Stopwatch();

    for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
        test.Add(new ClassA { CustID = 123, Name = "Me" });
        testA.Add(new A { CustID = 123, Name = "Me" });

    ProceesData<ClassA>(test, "test", "CustID");
    Console.WriteLine("Reflection: " + st.ElapsedMilliseconds);

    ProceesData<A>(testA, "test");
    Console.WriteLine("Interface: " + st.ElapsedMilliseconds);

    ProceesDataD<ClassA>(test, "test");
    Console.WriteLine("Dynamic: " + st.ElapsedMilliseconds);

Disclaimer: use the code passages to measure the time only one at the time. Do not run the program as it is but each single test on it's own.

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Mong Zhu Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 07:10

Mong Zhu

Introduce interface:

 interface ICust
     public int CustID { get;}
 class A : ICust
     public int CustID { get; set; }
     public string Name{ get; set; }

 class B : ICust
     public int CustID { get; set; }
     public string Age { get; set; }

 public void ProceesData<T>(IList<T> param1, string date1) where T : ICust
     Parallel.ForEach(param1, (currentItem) =>
like image 41
Backs Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 08:10
