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How to access Magento user's session from outside Magento?

Im trying to access the Magento customer session in another part of my website.

domain.com/shop/ <- Magento

The shop itself works like a charm, however im trying to determine within test.php if a customer is logged in, so I can display his name with a link to his cart.

Contents of test.php so far:

require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/shop/app/Mage.php';
Mage::getSingleton('core/session', array('name' => 'frontend'));

I keep getting bool(false) returned. I'm logged into Magento at domain.com/shop/ so ‘true’ is expected.

Am I forgetting something?

like image 488
Martijn Heemels Avatar asked Jul 08 '09 15:07

Martijn Heemels

People also ask

How do I login as a Customer in Magento 2?

On the Admin sidebar go to Stores > Settings > Configuration. In the left panel, expand Customers and choose Login as Customer. Set Enable Login as Customer to Yes .

Where are Magento 2 sessions stored?

Session's are stored in Redis server. We can also configure the Redis cache from root/app/env. php file in Magento2.

How does Magento session work?

To manage sessions, Magento uses the Magento \ Framework \ Session \ SessionManager class. Magento also stores the current session identifier in cookies, which helps the system to identify you as a logged in user, even after you close and open the browser.

1 Answers

I would recommend checking the path of the cookie that Magento sets. Most likely, it is set to /shop, so the cookie will not be accessible to your file above it.

You can modify the path that Magento uses to set its cookie in the control panel under System -> Configuration -> Web (under the General heading) -> Session cookie management

like image 111
jason Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 15:10
