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how to access image data in Elm?

How do we get the Pixel data from images in Elm?

Here in JavaScript, is code to get the color of a set of pixels in a figure (taken from here)

var image = new Image;
image.src = "starry-night.jpg";

var canvas  = d3.select("body").append("canvas");
var context = canvas.node().getContext("2d");

context.drawImage(image, 0, 0);

// beware variable name "image" got used twice
image = context.getImageData(0, 0, width, height);

var x = Math.random()*width,
    y = Math.random()*height,
    i = (y * width + x) << 2;

pixelColor = d3.rgb(image.data[i + 0], image.data[i + 1], image.data[i + 2]) + "";

The code loads an image to a <canvas> element, then extracts the color of a pixel from the canvas using image.getImageData().

Can we interface the image.data object in Elm? Right now I don't think it's possible...

  • Right now Collage types are list of forms...
  • HTML is also a module that can put imags in the DOM.
  • SVG allows for some simple global image transformations but nothing at the pixel level

Elm has the Virtual Dom. In fact of problems like this, might be addressed in virtual-dom which is lower level so we are not encouraged to do this directly.

However, Elm makes a clear distinction between Collage elements and SVG elements, with no clear interface to the getImageData() function.

  • Do I write my own with Elm's new interOp feature?
  • Does a way already exist in Elm? Or a new one has to be written?


  • The << operator is called Left Shift
like image 303
john mangual Avatar asked May 31 '16 14:05

john mangual

1 Answers

As suggested by @SimonH, use a port to JS until Elm provides a first-hand way to do so (if it ever does). The same approach would apply to anything you can't yet do in Elm.

I'm just answering as an answer rather than a comment for the sake of others who come here.

like image 143
Ethan B. Martin Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 16:10

Ethan B. Martin