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How to access flutter Shared preferences on the android end (using java)

I have the following function in dart to set a particular boolean preference value.

_switchPersistentNotifications() {
  setState(() {
    isPersistentNotificationEnabled = !isPersistentNotificationEnabled;
      "isPersistentNotificationEnabled", isPersistentNotificationEnabled);

This function sets the value of isPersistentNotificationEnabled preference.

Now on the native android end, I am supposed to use this shared preference value. Here's what I have done so far.

SharedPreferences preferences =
                // check if the state change notification is to be shown
                if (preferences.getBoolean("flutter.isStateChangeNotificationEnabled", false)) {

And the if condition never gets evaluated to true. I also tried printing all the existing preference values using the code below.

Map<String, ?> allEntries = preferences.getAll();
            for (Map.Entry<String, ?> entry : allEntries.entrySet()) {
                Log.d("map values", entry.getKey() + ": " + entry.getValue().toString());

And it only presents the values that the Android has created (using java).

Any help in accessing the preference values is greatly appreciated. Thank You.

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sujay_br Avatar asked Mar 18 '19 15:03


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These preferences will automatically save to SharedPreferences as the user interacts with them. To retrieve an instance of SharedPreferences that the preference hierarchy in this activity will use, call getDefaultSharedPreferences(android. content. Context) with a context in the same package as this activity.

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Adding Shared Preferences to Flutter. Shared preferences will store data locally on the device, so for example if you want to use some data in a different page then you can use the Shared Preferences to store and retrieve that data. So first to add it you need to navigate to the pubspec.yaml file, and write the following:

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1 Answers

Sorry this answer is coming late, just got the answer from flutter github page.

What you can do to accomplish this is:

SharedPreferences prefs = getSharedPreferences("FlutterSharedPreferences", MODE_PRIVATE);

then if you want to read e.g. "myValue" key, you have to add "flutter." prefix:

String value = prefs.getString("flutter."+key, null);
like image 150
KelvinROLEX Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 05:10