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How to access environment secrets from a Github workflow?

I am trying to publish a Python package to PyPI, from a Github workflow, but the authentication fails for "Test PyPI". I successfully published to Test PyPI from the command line, so my API token must be correct. I also checked for leading and trailing spaces in the secret value (i.e., on GitHub).

As the last commits show, I tried a few things without success.

I first tried to inline simple bash commands into the workflow as follows, but I have not been able to get my secrets into environment variables. Nothing showed up in the logs when I printed these variables.

- name: Publish on Test PyPI 
     TWINE_USERNAME: __token__
     TWINE_REPOSITORY_URL: "https://test.pypi.org/legacy/"
  run: |
     echo "$TWINE_PASSWORD"
     pip install twine
     twine check dist/*
     twine upload dist/*

I also tried to use a dedicated GitHub Action as follows, but it does not work either. I guess the problem comes from the secrets not being available in my workflow. What puzzled me is that my workflow uses another token/secret just fine! Though, if I put it in an environment variable, nothing is printed out. I also recreated my secrets under different names (PYPI_TEST_TOKEN and TEST_PYPI_API_TOKEN) but to no avail.

- name: Publish to Test PyPI
  uses: pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish@release/v1
    user: __token__
    password: ${{ secrets.TEST_PYPI_API_TOKEN }}
    repository_url: https://test.pypi.org/legacy/

I guess I miss something obvious (as usual). Any help is highly appreciated.

like image 270
fchauvel Avatar asked Mar 07 '21 22:03


People also ask

How do I access GitHub secrets from workflow?

Reviewing access to organization-level secrets On GitHub.com, navigate to the main page of the organization. Under your organization name, click Settings. In the "Security" section of the sidebar, select Secrets, then click Actions.

Where can I find secrets in GitHub?

On GitHub.com, navigate to the main page of the repository. Under your repository name, click Settings. In the left sidebar, click Secrets.

How do I see environment variables in GitHub?

Note: You can list the entire set of environment variables that are available to a workflow step by using run: env in a step and then examining the output for the step.

How do I echo environment variables in GitHub Actions?

You should use run: echo "$GITHUB. REPOSITORY" and run: echo "$GITHUB. REPOSITORY_OWNER" to see them directly on your workflow.

1 Answers

I eventually figured it out. My mistake was that I defined my secrets within an environment and, by default, workflows do not run in any specific environment. For this to happen, I have to explicitly name the environment in the job description as follows:

    environment: CI    # <--- /!\ Here is the link to the environment
    needs: build
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    if: startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/tags/v')
    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    # Some more steps here ...
    - name: Publish to Test PyPI
        TWINE_USERNAME: "__token__"
        TWINE_PASSWORD: ${{ secrets.TEST_PYPI_API_TOKEN }}
        TWINE_REPOSITORY_URL: "https://test.pypi.org/legacy/"
      run: |
        echo KEY: '${TWINE_PASSWORD}'
        twine check dist/*
        twine upload --verbose --skip-existing dist/*

The documentation mentions it actually.

Thanks to those who commented for pointing me in the right direction.

like image 113
fchauvel Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 23:10
