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How to access Cpanel on 1&1(IONOS) hosting?




Does anyone know how to access Cpanel on 1&1(IONOS). One of the biggest in the web hosting market but I didn't know it was one of the worst. Knowledge Base is empty. Searching on Google doesn't result in anything.

I am startled by the fact that I found NO INFORMATION online. Absolutely NO information on google. How could it be possible? No one has ever tried to ask this question before?!?!? BTW IONOS is the worst web host. If someone has to search for 20 mins to access even cpanel, then it's the worst web host.

IONOS Screenshot

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Sprograms Avatar asked Nov 27 '22 13:11


1 Answers

Note the below is only available if you have the right build assigned to your account.

Server administration with Plesk is conveniently done right in your browser. Since Plesk provides its own HTTPS service for this, a web server (e.g. Apache) does not need to be running on the server.

Open your web browser and enter your domain name (or IP address) followed by :8443 in the address bar.

Log in with the user name Admin and your initial password. You can log in to IONOS and find your initial password in the Server Access Data section.

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DoAdventures Avatar answered Nov 29 '22 03:11
