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How to access content of dom-if inside a custom element?

In a custom element I want to access a span and append a child to it but all usual accessors give undefined:

    <template is="dom-if" if="[[condition]]" restamp>
        <span id="myspan"></span>

 ready() {
   var a = this.$.myspan;                     //<------- is undefined
   var b = this.$$.myspan;                    //<------- is undefined
   var c = document.getElementById("myspan"); //<------- is undefined
   var d = this.$$("#myspan");                //<------- is undefined

How to access a span in this case?

UPDATE: here is plunk

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31415926 Avatar asked Mar 14 '23 23:03


1 Answers

The reason this didn't work inside the lifecycle callback without setTimeout or this.async is that right after attaching your element the dom-if template has not yet rendered. Upon attaching your element, Polymer calls the attached callback. However, when the value gets set on the the dom-if, an observer runs and debounces its own _render function. The debounce waits an amount of time to catch any other calls to it, and then it executes the ._render function and attaches the element to the DOM. In other words, when the attached callback runs, normally the dom-if template hasn't rendered yet.

The reason for this debounce is performance. If several changes were made within a very short span of time, this debounce prevents the template from rendering several times when the result we would care about is the end result.

Fortunately, dom-if provides a .render() method which allows you to make it render synchronously. All you need to do is add an id to your dom-if, switch to an attached callback and call like this:

    <template id="someDomIf" is="dom-if" if="[[condition]]" restamp>
        <span id="myspan"></span>

 attached() {
   var c = document.getElementById("myspan"); //<------- should be defined
   var d = this.$$("#myspan");                //<------- should be defined

Triggering a synchronous render on the dom-if shouldn't be a huge performance problem, since luckily your element should only be getting attached once. Edit: As it turns it, this even works in a ready callback:

    <template id="someDomIf" is="dom-if" if="[[condition]]" restamp>
        <span id="myspan"></span>

 ready() {
   var c = document.getElementById("myspan"); //<------- should be defined
   var d = this.$$("#myspan");                //<------- should be defined

See this fork of your plunker: http://plnkr.co/edit/u3richtnt4COpEfx1CSN?p=preview

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Dogs Avatar answered Apr 03 '23 19:04
