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How to access columns in a table that have different cell widths from MS Word

I am trying to get the cells from 1st column in a table. Getting exception in the "Foreach(Cells c in rng.Tables[1].Columns[1].Cells)" because the table contains columns that have mixed cell widths.

for eg: in first row, there are 4 cells and in second row, there are only 2 cells (2 cells merged together)

Error Message: "Cannot access individual columns in this collection because the table has mixed cell widths."

Document oDoc = open word document  
foreach (Paragraph p in oDoc.Paragraphs)  
    Range rng = p.Range;  

  foreach (Cell c in rng.Tables[1].Columns[1].Cells)  
like image 617
user355157 Avatar asked Mar 22 '11 23:03


1 Answers

Instead of using a foreach loop in your second loop, can you instead use a for loop like so to iterate over all cells:

        for (int r = 1; r <= rng.Tables[1].Row.Count; r++)
            for (int c = 1; c <= rng.Tables[1].Columns.Count; c++)
                    Cell cell = table.Cell(r, c);
                    //Do what you want here with the cell
                catch (Exception e)
                    if (e.Message.Contains("The requested member of the collection does not exist."))
                       //Most likely a part of a merged cell, so skip over.
                    else throw;
like image 175
Shark Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 19:10
