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How to access and edit Rprofile? [closed]



New to R. How does one access and edit Rprofile?

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Aitch Avatar asked Oct 18 '17 21:10


People also ask

How do I edit a Rprofile file?

One easy way to edit your . Rprofile file is to use the usethis::edit_r_profile() function from within an R session. You can specify whether you want to edit the user or project level .

Where is my Rprofile site?

Rprofile is located in the users' home directory ( ~/. Rprofile on MacOS/Linux). This . Rprofile is run whenever you start up R.

Where can I find .renviron file?

Renviron file is sourced. Typically . Rprofile is located in the users' home directory ( ~/. Rprofile ), however a different location can be configured by setting the R_PROFILE_USER environment variable.

Which file contains settings that R uses by default?

When you start R, it will by default source a . Rprofile file if it exists. This allows you to automatically tweak your R settings to meet your everyday needs.

1 Answers

On start-up R will look for the R-Profile in the following places: (https://csgillespie.github.io/efficientR/set-up.html)

  1. R_HOME: the directory in which R is installed. Find out where your R_HOME is with the R.home() command.
  2. HOME, the user’s home directory. Can ask R where this is with, path.expand("~")
  3. R’s current working directory. This is reported by getwd().

Note although there maybe different R-Profile files R will only use one in a given session. The preference order is:

Current project>Home>R_Home

To create a project-specific start-up script create a .Rprofile file in the project’s root directory.

You can access and edit the different .Rprofile files via

file.edit(file.path("~", ".Rprofile")) # edit .Rprofile in HOME
file.edit(".Rprofile") # edit project specific .Rprofile    

There is information about the options you can set via


As mentioned the link above does provide additional details but the points outlined above should show you where the files are and how to access them.

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mmarks Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 00:09
