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How to access a user control in a masterpage from a content page?

Lets say that I have a header user control in a master page, and want to change a property of the user control depending on what content page is loaded inside of the master page. How might I go about this?


like image 740
Bryan Denny Avatar asked Dec 19 '08 22:12

Bryan Denny

People also ask

How do you access master page controls from the content page?

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To access members of a specific master page from a content page, you can create a strongly typed reference to the master page by creating a @ MasterType directive. The directive allows you to point to a specific master page. When the page creates its Master property, the property is typed to the referenced master page.

Which property can be used in Web user control to access the master page?

c# - Accessing masterpage property from a usercontrol - Stack Overflow.

1 Answers

You can use two methods. The first is by using Page.Master.FindControl('controlID'). Then you can cast it to the type of your user control. The second method is by adding a <%@ MasterType VirtualPath=""> OR <%@ MasterType TypeName=""%> tag to your aspx page. In the VirtualPath add the virtual path to the master page, or the class in the TypeName. You can then access everything with intellisense.

like image 172
Shawn Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 14:09
