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How to access a PathVariable of a controller specified at class level in Spring?

Can I do something like this with Spring MVC ?

@RequestMapping(value = "/{root}")
public abstract class MyBaseController {

    @PathVariable(value = "root")
    protected ThreadLocal<String> root;


public class MyController extends MyBaseController {

    @RequestMapping(value = "/sayHello")
    public String hello() {
        return "Hello to " + this.root.get();


When I request to http://..../roberto/sayHello, I get this as response:

Hello to roberto
like image 606
Beto Neto Avatar asked Aug 26 '15 20:08

Beto Neto

1 Answers

According to the docs:


the PathVariable annotation is itself annotated with @Target(value=PARAMETER) so it shouldn't be possible to be used the way you're saying as it's only applicable to method parameters.

like image 74
Alfonso Presa Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 20:11

Alfonso Presa