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How the cdc retention value can be changed for the cleanup job?

I'm implementing a logging feature on a asp.net mvc2 application, that uses SqlServer2008 as a database and Entity Framework as a data model.

I enabled CDC feature of SqlServer and it's logging changes well, but I just noticed that some of the old logging data is erased.

Does anyone know what's default period CDC keeps records, and does anyone know how could I set it to indefinite value.

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Eedoh Avatar asked Jul 20 '10 08:07


People also ask

What is CDC retention period?

I just discovered that the default retention value is 4320 minutes = 72 hours = 3 days.

What does CDC cleanup job do?

Cleanup Job This job is created automatically by SQL Server to minimize the number of records in the changetables, failing this job execution will be resulting to a larger changetable. This job internally invokes a procedure sys. sp_MScdc_cleanup_job in MSDB database with no parameter.

How do you check for change data capture?

Before changes to any individual tables within a database can be tracked, change data capture must be explicitly enabled for the database. This is done by using the stored procedure sys. sp_cdc_enable_db. When the database is enabled, source tables can be identified as tracked tables by using the stored procedure sys.

1 Answers

I just discovered that the default retention value is 4320 minutes = 72 hours = 3 days.

It should be configurable by using

sp_cdc_change_job @job_type='cleanup', @retention=minutes

The maximum value is 52494800 (100 years). If specified, the value must be a positive integer. Retention is valid only for cleanup jobs.

Here's the link to the more detail explanation of sp_cdc_change_job procedure

Hope this will help someone else, too :D.

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Eedoh Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 03:09
