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How slow or fast is Qt mobile for android

I would like to know the advantages and disadvantages of Qt mobile. I have heard things, like the performance is better than native apps. However I am not sure if I can trust that.

I am not a c++ developer. In fact I have no experience with c, java, c++.. I am only a web developer. I use phonegap for very simple apps. But I'd like to begin to learn new things in order to delevop better products.

Can you describe the advantages, use cases, time it takes to develop, and what Qt is in general?

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Muhammad Umer Avatar asked Mar 17 '14 16:03

Muhammad Umer

People also ask

Is QT good for Android?

Qt Is Cross-Platform Qt covers a wide range of operating systems and platforms and may bring many opportunities to companies. Qt is a good choice for businesses that want to build software for several platforms or target both Android and iOS users.

Is QT good for mobile?

Mobile is not a priority for Qt Historically Qt is a cross-platform framework for building desktop apps so it comes as no surprise that Qt's tooling is more geared towards desktop development.

Is Qt faster than Java?

If you're an experienced QT programmer, you will likely get something coded faster using QT. If you're an experienced Android programmer, you'll get it done faster without it. QT will increase the odds of bugs, because any bugs in the QT layer itself will show through in your code.

1 Answers

Native android (NDK) or Qt( based on NDK) have the same speed, but Qt saves you development time in UI, multi-Threading, Graphic, Parser, and Network programming.

For now, Qt for mobile is not working 100% as you may encounter some issues, but it is worth learning, because it works on mac windows linux ios android. All desktop and all embedded environments.

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SRedouane Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 02:09
