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How should I use @types with TypeScript 2

So far we are used to tsd or (The better version of it) typings

But now that TypeScript 2 offers the new @types feature, how should I convert my current project to work with @types?

I have tsd.json (typings.json is some cases) with all the dependencies, what are the steps to do the move to TypeScript 2?

What are the new best practices? Does @types support specific versions?

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gilamran Avatar asked Jul 18 '16 19:07


People also ask

What is @types in TypeScript?

What is a type in TypeScript. In TypeScript, a type is a convenient way to refer to the different properties and functions that a value has. A value is anything that you can assign to a variable e.g., a number, a string, an array, an object, and a function. See the following value: 'Hello'

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TypeScript allows you to define multiple types. The terminology for this is union types and it allows you to define a variable as a string, or a number, or an array, or an object, etc. We can create union types by using the pipe symbol ( | ) between each type.

What is ?: In TypeScript?

What does ?: mean in TypeScript? Using a question mark followed by a colon ( ?: ) means a property is optional. That said, a property can either have a value based on the type defined or its value can be undefined .

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TypeScript Union Type Narrowing To narrow a variable to a specific type, implement a type guard. Use the typeof operator with the variable name and compare it with the type you expect for the variable.

1 Answers

It's very simple. Just install the definitions that you need via npm.

For example if you need lodash you can do:

npm install --save @types/lodash 

Once it's installed you can use it right away in your project. Typescript will resolve the typings for the installed @types package from the node_modules/@types folder by default. There's no need for a tsd.json or typings.json file anymore.

Additional points:

  • The major and minor version of the @types package in npm should correspond with the package version.
  • You can search for types here: http://microsoft.github.io/TypeSearch/
  • Read about typeRoots and types here. Specifically pay attention to these two points:
    • If typeRoots is specified in tsconfig.json, then only specified folders will be used for the type roots. That will exclude ./npm_modules/@types/ unless you specify it.
    • If types is specified in tsconfig.json, then only the packages specified will be included.

Read more in the blog post here.

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David Sherret Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 13:09

David Sherret