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How should I return an int from a stored procedure in entity framework 4.1?

I am using Entity Framework 4.1 and do sometimes need to call stored procedures. Some of these return ints as return values. For instance

SELECT @@Identity

(Update: removed return value, not relevant. We're returning the identity)

I have the following code in my respository class:

var orderNo = context.Database.SqlQuery<int>("EXEC myProc").Single();

This fails with the error message The specified cast from a materialized 'System.Decimal' type to the 'System.Int32' type is not valid.

If I change the code above to

var orderNo = context.Database.SqlQuery<decimal>("EXEC myProc").Single();

everything works.

Now, I think that I should be able to return an int. What's the proper way to do this?

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Jonas Lincoln Avatar asked Nov 15 '11 15:11

Jonas Lincoln

1 Answers

I assume, based on the edit to your question - I clicked it shortly after your posting, then refreshed a bit later - that this is only an issue when you're returning the identity?

If so, it's a decimal because @@IDENTITY (and SCOPE_IDENTITY) return numeric(38,0). See the answer to this question: Why does select SCOPE_IDENTITY() return a decimal instead of an integer? As noted there, casting to int should allow the EF to properly detect the type.

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Esoteric Screen Name Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09

Esoteric Screen Name